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Clix Beat: Thanos (IC141)
The Le (08/12/2014)
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Related: Clix Beat: Flash (HT)
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Goto Comments

Clix Beat: Thanos (HeroClix Strategy)THANOS ON DEFENSE
Of course there’s Protected – for 8 points you can ignore one attack. I think this is an absolute must. Thanos may have an [18] Defense win Invulnerability, but one good Penetrating/Psychic Blast or a little outwit and he’s going to tumble. You can try Fortitude too, but it’s not worth it in my opinion since he has so few powers that need immunity.

Continued below...

HeroClix World Thanos Dial

I am a fan of Shellhead though – you’re going to need to push Thanos a lot to get your 185 points worth. And that extra 2 defense is pretty high for just 10 points, especially if you have to deal with a lot of Incapacitate.

Sadly, the end Regeneration won't do much -- the chance of you landing on that click is pretty low.. and even if you do, you may have to push to regen, which could still lead to death on a bad roll

HeroClix World Feats Protected HeroClix World Feats Shellhead

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Your Comments:
make it stop

Posted by: deadpool on 3/17/2015 5:11:58 PM
We could just put a FULL Gauntlet on him and be comic accurate ...
This will solve a lot of issues with this fig.

Posted by: DNA on 8/15/2014 10:57:42 AM
I remember this guy. That 18 defense was a lot harder to hit back then. And outwit was not as common. Some outwit and perplex and this guy is toast.

Although, that 13 to 15 attack is devastating. Enhancement helps. Shield TA can help too. The Scorpio Key or a ring of the Manderin.

Posted by: superfriend on 8/13/2014 9:13:03 AM
Thanos is a monster!! he if freaking strong and all should bow before him mwahahahaahah

Posted by: decoder on 8/12/2014 5:28:51 AM