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Related: Slade Files: Spider-Man
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Related: Slade Files: Spider-Man
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Greetings fellow players! Today Heroclix World treats you to another sneak preview, this time from the Shield Team Pack (which also includes the Shield Enforcer and Nick Fury). Featuring the sexy super spy from Iron Man 2 and the upcoming Avengers movie, #036 in the set is the Black Widow.
I have had the pleasure of reviewing a lot of rookie characters lately, and So far I have not been disappointed with any of them. Black Widow is no exception here. For only 35 points, she brings a tight little arsenal of goodies to your teams.
(Click to see Black Widow Dial)
Black Widow has all the suitable keywords for her character including; Avengers, Martial artist, S.H.E.I.L.D., and Spy. Her low cost makes her a great low cost addition for any of these teams.
Combat values
Black widows combat dial seem to be on par with the standard S.H.E.I.L.D. agents we have seen recently. Over her 5 clix of life her values remains very consistent. She also has a range value of (4) and a single targeting bolt, nothing bad here.
Natasha has an ideal Trait for her character called Unsubtle Infiltration. The trait gives her permanent Leap/Climb over her entire dial. This gives her the ability to get in and out of close combat at her discretion. Not to mention the ability to move freely around the battle map.
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