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Greeting Gamers! The latest Heroclix set is now available and I’m pretty stoked about it. The theme of this set is based on the Amazing Spider-Man. Including not only friends and foes from Spidey’s colorful history, but also a marvelous monster sub-theme. The set also features a character who has become the subject of much debate and the namesake for this set, #024 the Amazing Spider-Man himself.
Some feel that ASM #024 in this set is a near perfect interpretation of the avenging arachnid, while others strongly contest that this Spider-Man is anything but a perfect account.
Love him or hate him, let’s examine this particular version and see if he is a worthy of the terms like Amazing and Spectacular.
Wall-Crawling Wonder: Improved Movement: Ignores Elevated Terrain
Trait (1) Morph: Spider Armor: Give Spider-Man a move action or close combat action. After actions resolve, you may replace him with any other character with this trait, the Morph: Identity Crisis trait, or the Morph: Changing Frequencies trait on the same click number.
Trait (2) Spider-Tracers: Spider-Man can use Incapacitate as if he has a range value of 6. When he does and hits, mark the hit character. Lines of fires drawn to marked characters by friendly characters are blocked only by walls and indoor blocking terrain as long as Spider-Man is on the map.
(Speed) The Agility of a Spider: Spider-Man can use Hypersonic Speed, but modifies his speed value by -3 when he does.
I think it’s a safe assumption that players weren't expecting a Spider-Man quite like this one. I must confess, I'm rather pleased with the designers outside-the-box thinking on this one. Granted he may not be a perfect translation from the comics but in a lot of ways he comes very close.
What’s Good
This representation of Spider-Man has a lot of things going for it. In addition to very solid attack & defense combat values, as well as most of the standard powers one could expect for Spider-Man, this version comes equipped with two traits, a special power plus the improved movement mechanic to boot.
The Morph trait makes a wealth of options available to Spider-Man. Need to be stealthy, no problem. Want some Invulnerability? Morph has you covered. It’s going to interesting to see what combinations players come up with in the heat of battle.
His second trait “Spider Tracers” not only allows players to use a un-outwit-able version of Incapacitate at a range of 6, more importantly it cancels opposing characters stealth powers/abilities allowing your entire team to benefit from this power. This not only clears the way for ranged attacks, it also makes powers that require line of sight a heck of a lot more effective.
Ah, the Agility of the Spider special power… now were talking. Combined with his Super Strength and the improved movement ability, this Spidey can easily function as a primary attacker. Don’t be surprised when he moves from elevated terrain and smacks an opposing character with a tank turret for major damage, before zipping up to the safety of another elevated area.
I already mentioned Spidey’s Super Strength, so what about his other standard powers. Super Senses will do their part to keep Spidey from getting hit, while $$Perplex and $$CCE will modify his combat values accordingly. When he’s not using the Agility of the Spider to get around, he stays mobile with Leap/Climb. A splash of Telekinesis shows up late in the dial to sling any objects that may still be around, or move characters as needed. Don’t forget the Spider-Man ally team ability will allows him to copy friendly characters team abilities (Wild Card). Hey Ghost Rider, how ‘bout a lift?
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