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Pow! Ghost Rider
Jason "Puuka" Statham (06/16/2015)
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Goto Comments

Pow! Ghost Rider convention strategy guide
The 2015 Con Exclusive Ghost Rider

Usage / Summary
This Ghost Rider is representative of Blaze's sister Alejandra who was given the Spirit of Vengeance after Johnny Blaze gave it up. Starting with a dial that favors close combat, then switching to a ranged dial, she can fill dual roles in a team, making her extremely versatile for nearly any team.

High starting attack, penetrating damage all through her dial and damage reducers through most of her dial and a touch of Regeneration at the end means she should be on the map for a while. Ignores hindering terrain for movement means she won't get bogged down when trying to get at her target. Add to that, she has the ability which means your opponent needs to be sure he can afford to hit her with a character that can handle the one damage.

Ghost Rider Convention Exclusive HeroClix Dial

Key Feature
Starting with Charge Blades/Claws/Fangs and Exploit Weakness with an 11 attack and 3 printed damage, she is kind of scary on her starting click. After she takes two damage, she switches to Running Shot with a special power Pulse Wave that, when it's replaced with 1, deals two damage to characters with two action tokens on them instead of 1. She then ends with Sidestep and Precision Strike.

Biggest one is that she's hard to get at this time. Looking on trade threads and sales sites, I've seen people asking as high as $100 for her. I expect as the convention season progresses, we will see her price come down as more come on the market. Nothing on this figure makes her a meta piece.

Theme / Keywords
Circle of Four and Mystical. The Circle of Four was introduced in the Deadpool set with Red Hulk, Venom and the LE X-23.

At 99 points, she has solid stats and could be built in to a team with room for support or a second attacker.

The Circle of Four joined together to Fight Blackheart in Las Vegas, at one point, Red Hulk got both the Spirit of Vengeance and the Venom Symbiot (One more reason to have Venom and Ghost Rider as Entities with possession). The Circle of Four is reminiscent of the All New Fantastic Four which featured Mr. Fixit, Spider-Man, Wolverine and the Daniel Ketch Ghost Rider. All four members of the Circle of Four can be built in to either a 620 point team, or 445 points, depending on which level of X-23 you wish to put on the team.

Continued below...

HeroClix Red Hulk Dial

On a 300 Point Team
99 points gives you lots of room to Support Ghost Rider. Telekinesis to move her up the field, Perplex to increase attack, Empower or Enhancement to up the damage dealt form her close or ranged attacks..

On a  400+ Point Team
All that I said for the 300 point team, with lots of room to put on a second attacker.

Final Rating
A-. Great figure with a standard set of "Ghost Rider" powers. A nice addition of Pulse Wave makes her more of a ranged attacker than past versions of Ghost Rider. Great numbers but nothing special that puts her in to the Meta level category.

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Your Comments:
My mini review:
A really potent 99 point dial with TWO clicks of a printed 4 damage and ways to hurt any figure on every single click. defence is reasonable for the cost and mobility is good too. Obviously we'd all rather see range first then close combat for better synergy (you start far away from your opponent then close with them as the game progresses)but for 99 points I'd happily let that slide (If you find yourself locked in close combat you still have 4 damage to deal out or pulse wave!)

The Indomitable symbol simply puts the figure into downright awesome for the cost.

Only available at a CON!
I don't know the character well enough but surely any Ghost Rider without a motorbike is a wasted opportunity? No double base, no transporter symbol, not Ghost Rider IMHO. Regardless of whether you are a girl or not!

Posted by: MantisWarrior on 6/16/2015 8:31:52 AM