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Slade Files: Spider-Man
(Back in Black)
Eric "Slade Wilson" Schaen (09/09/2010)
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Related: Slade Files: Spider-Man
Goto Comments

HeroClix Spider-Man Back in BlackHi all and welcome to the latest edition of the Slade files. This time the subject is again Spider-man, but in his stylish black duds. I can just hear the sounds of AC/DC as I write this up. Anyway, without further to do, on with the review.


The story is about Spider-Man's anger and determination to find Aunt May's shooter. Hence, he wears the black & white costume, modeled after the alien symbiote to emphasize his humorless aggression. He is often seen in action without his mask on, as well, showing his rage and thirst for vengeance.

Avengers, Reporter, Scientist.

Combat Values
His speed value starts at an 8, and stays pretty consistent until his last 2 clix. Oddly on his last clix his speed is a low 5. Maybe this is because he’s not looking to leave the fight once it’s on. His attack value starts out at a 10 and drops by 1 every couple of clix, ending on an 8. A starting defense of 17 is average, but jumps to an 18 on the next 2 clix, and never dips below a 16. His damage value starts at 3 and ends on a 1, but only on his final clix.

Basically, his combat values start good and remain decent through most of his dial, slowly dropping as he takes damage. The good news is he has some great powers and abilities to make up for his old school style dial.

HeroClix Web of Spider-Man Black

Powers and abilities
Now this is where Mr. Parker starts to be worth that cost of 95 points. On his speed slot Spidey gains the Flurry power on his 2nd and 3rd clix. His defense slot starts with Super Senses... after all, a Spidey without Super senses is like well… Miguel O’Harah. Later he trades the Super Senses for some Willpower. On his damage slot he has Exploit Weakness on his first 2 clix. Then he gains Close Combat Expert on clix 3 -5. That’s right, this Spidey is not holding back - when he hits he means business. I almost forgot to mention, he has the Spider-man team ability to allow him to use any of his allies’ team abilities.

Special Powers and Traits
This version of the wall-crawler has one special power and one trait. First up is his trait Back in Black. It states: Spider-Man can use Leap/Climb and Stealth. As we know from characters like Batman and Daredevil, this combination can be extremely useful. Allowing you to move Spidey in and out of the fight without being tied up by an opponent is always a plus. Now add the fact that characters can’t target him with a ranged attack while he’s using cover and now this trait is well, spectacular.

His special power Web Cocoon reads: Spider-Man can use Incapacitate as if he had a range of 6. If he hits, you may place a Web special marker in the target character's square. So not only does an opposing character gain an action token, they have to break away in order to move to boot. (Provided they don’t have a power that ignores having to break away.) Looks like Spidey is really making crazy with the webbing.

(Web Special Terrain Marker: A character occupying this square must break away for movement purposes. Immediately after the character occupying this square no longer occupies it, remove this marker from the map.)

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Your Comments:
I would say the normal breakaway rules apply but it might be worth checking the offical errata on it. logically i couldnt imagine someone with the ability to phase through solid obects having much trouble getting away (phase/teleport) and someone with HHS i could imagine moving too quickly to be able to fully cocoon, leap/climb and plasticity however present a different problem

Posted by: Ste on 10/14/2010 8:44:56 PM
i took it that a character who wants to move from this square has to roll for breakaway even if they have hypersonic leapclimb of phasing since it says it must break away for movement purposes

Posted by: deathstroke77 on 9/18/2010 3:09:00 PM
Defo prefer him to the red spidey. stealth & leap/climb are an awesome combo & Web cocoon + stunning blow is just adding insult to injury! a mean piece and will defo see a lot of play as an AE with me.

Gotta love that Peter Parker AE though! took him in a sealed tournement today and he perplexed his damage and KO'd Mary Jane in a single hit, and there was me thinking Hank Pym was the only wife beater in the Marvel universe. same game he then pushed himself to death KO'ing Wolverine, who had took quite a servere beating from Bullseye.
In closing Peter Parker is the 2nd best AE in the game to date after Osborn

Posted by: Ste on 9/12/2010 7:46:24 PM
What i like to do with pieces like this( that are good on thier first click but get even BETTER on thier secod click) is wait until some one on the opposing squad is double marked or single if i know the owner wont push with him, then jump on them and push the next turn to hit them so your really not losing anything by hurting yourself.

Posted by: CaptainAwesome on 9/9/2010 5:36:23 PM
Actually this is meant to be a stand alone review on this figure only. Thanks for keeping me on my toes though, or attempting to. ;)

Posted by: Slade Wilson on 9/9/2010 1:25:20 PM
You completely forgot to mention the AE ability. This is probably where BiB Spidey will see mose play coming in with 4 clixs of life, stealth/leap climb, supersenses and close combat expert. He also gets web cocoon later on his dial.

He may not be worth the 95 points, but he sure is worth the AE.

Posted by: Blue Atoll on 9/9/2010 12:49:15 PM
I am rather impressed with both Spiderman's, however, not so impressed with the AE from Parker to the Spidermen...I find much of the set just plain lacking and most sculps a bit fruity

Posted by: seven-feathers on 9/9/2010 12:47:34 PM