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Con Exclusive LE wkM-025 Spider-Ham
Usage / Summary:
Spider Pig!
Spider Pig!
Does whatever a spider pig does!
Can he swing from a web?
No he can't
He's a pig yes he is
He is the spider pig!!
Ok, actually it's Spider-Ham and Homer didn't quite have it right. This is in regards to the Peter Porker, the Spectacular Spider-Ham. A fan favorite from Earth-8311 created by "the world's first atomic powered hairdryer,". As a Heroclix figure, he is a fun close combat piece for just 99 points.

Spider-Ham comes packed full of close combat goodness. Traited
Super Senses, with a success on a 4-6.
Charge, Super Strength, and a special with Shape Change and
Perplex (only usable on other characters). A little later in his dial, he gets Combat Reflexes and then Flurry with Willpower and Outwit.
Key Feature:
Shape Change, with Super-Senses, and high defense means he's going to be hard to hit.
Though he may be hard to hit, he doesn't have any damage reducers, so he has to be careful of things like
Poison or even a Outwit on his charge and a Force Blast in to a wall or off a building.
Theme / Keywords:
Lots of options with Animal, Reporter and Scientist, but for a non-generic theme team, you have Spider-Man Family. Also, with having the Spider-Man Ally Team Ability, he can use the Spider-Man Family ATA for only 3 points instead of the full 10 and it lets you copy opposing characters team abilities.
At 99 points, he can fit on most teams and back him up with a lot of support, or use him as support on larger teams.
For theme teams, you can pick most newer figures named Spider-Man, but you also have great picks like the new LE Agent Venom, Avengers Assembled Spider-Woman as well as a large selection from the Web of Spider-Man set as well as a few from Deadpool.
On a 300 Point Team:
At a third of your build, he can hold his own, getting in and doing damage as well as buffing your team mates. Hard to lock down and hit, he can harass your opponent and let your Primary attacker deal damage.
On a 400+ Point Team:
He's a spectacular option (no pun intended) for a secondary attacker, and can support his team mates and tie up your opponents.
Final Rating: A
Spider-Ham is a fun character that has a nice balance of numbers and powers that makes him useful and fun and well worth his points.