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Welcome to another article of Pick a Card. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Pick a Card; in this article I pick a character and make some feat suggestions that make good sense for the character and increase their usefulness in the game. That being said lets get to it.
This time up we’re going to be looking at Robin from Arkham Asylum. Let’s have a look at the dial shall we.
I have to say at 66 points Mr. Drake is a real bargain! With a full dial of leap climb, Combat reflexes, perplex and the batman team ability, he is going to be hard to deal with. His special powers bring some great options to this character as well, no doubt he’s making good use of that utility belt.

Prerequisites: Smoke Cloud
Choose a Character. The character can use Smoke Cloud as a free action if it is given a move action immediately before or after using Smoke Cloud. After this feat is used, remove it from the game.
Pounce (15 pts)
Prerequisites: Leap/Climb; damage value 1 or 2
Choose a character. Give this character a power action; it moves up to its speed value and makes a close combat attack as a free action. After resolving this action, this character takes 1 pushing damage that ignores Willpower and team abilities
Heightened Reflexes (10 pts)
Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes or Energy Shield/Deflection
Choose a character. When the character is hit by an attack using Charge, Hypersonic Speed, Running Shot, or the transporter move and attack ability, roll one six-sided die before damage is dealt. On a result of 5 or 6, the character evades the attack.
So let’s give him some feats to play with. The first feat for robin is Flashbang.
For 3 points, Robin now gains some mobility when using his smoke cloud, this can be handy for placing that tear gas grenade in just the right place, slowing down some foe and possibly incapacitating them to boot. You can also perplex his range to squeak out a little extra distance when using this. Just remember it’s a one shot deal as you have to remove the feat after it’s used.
Next I recommend an oldie but goodie pounce.
Ok so maybe you don’t like taking (1) pushing damage, but consider this. With perplex he can up his attack to increase his chance of hitting or his movement value to surprise an enemy who thought they were out of his range. If he hits he will cause (3) damage, that’s enough to hurt even invulnerable foes. That push clix will then put him on his second clix where he gains the batline ability more options are always fun.
Now how about some heightened reflexes.
So basically for 10 points the red bird just gained super senses against an opponent who tries to attack using any sort of mobility. Imagine the look on your opponents face when they charge Robin and miss due to this feat. I can hear the words now, “I wouldn’t have done that if I knew he had that feat.” To which you reply, “I declared it at the start of the game and you could have asked, sorry.”
So for just 28 points you can feat Robin up with this combination or you could simply use the one’s that grab you!
Until next time fellow gamers!