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Welcome to the Slade Files. The Slade files are basically a more comprehensive review of the figure. The review includes an assessment of the character's strengths and weakness, team construction, and suggestions for playing with or against the character. Like the "Pick a Card" article of old, the Slade files also includes feat suggestions as well, hope you enjoy.
Leaping from the myths and legends of the ancient Norsemen, the Asgardian god of Thunder, Thor, is the son of Odin the All-Father and Jord the spirit of the Earth. He frequently stands alongside the Avengers in the defense of the people of Midgard(Earth), often against the schemes of his half-brother Loki.

Combat Values
The son of Odin is a beast on the battlefield. There is simply nothing weak about Thor’s 9 clix of life. He speed values range from an impressive 10 and eventually drops to 7. His attack values are well…godlike. An opening attack value of 12 stars Thor out with an excellent chance of hitting his targets. His attack value’s are very consistent and slowly drop to a 9. Then on his last 2 clix he spikes back up to an 11.
Defensively Thor opens up with an 18 and slowly drops until he ends on a 15. Damage is another Area where Thor shines. Starting with a 5 damage combined with that 12 attack means Thor can put some serious damage to his opponents right off the start. His damage values follows the same pattern of his attack values, it stays consistent and never drops below 3 damage. Then in true Thor fashion his damage spikes back up to 4 and then 5, before he final is knocked out. Add in his 10 range and double target bolts, and its easy to see why the villains soil their pants when they face Thor.
Powers and abilities
Now as if those awesome combat values weren’t enough, Thor’s powers and abilities take him to a whole new level. First, he has a trait that reads: Thor can use Super Strength. So the son of Odin can always use objects to increase his damage or feats that require the super strength prerequisite. He also has the indomitable ability, so Thor does not take pushing damage while this is in play. Now let’s talk powers. First Thor has great mobility with Running shot & later Charge. Quake is also sprinkled in mid dial, this is great for pesky swarm team that attempt to dog pile on Thor. Thor is also very durable; he has 7 clix off Invulnerability and 2 of Toughness. Lastly his damage powers consist of Leadership, Close Combat Expert and Exploit Weakness.
Playing Thor
Thor is meant to be your primarily attacker. His point value is an expensive 226 so use Thor to do what he does best; kick major butt! His 10 range and running shot make him excellent first blood material. Indomitable will give him the opportunity to drop more damage on an opponent from afar or allow him to make an opponent leery of basing him. So don’t be afraid to come out swinging.
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