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A few clix in Moon Knight gains a special power that is appropriate with his wacky metal instability:
LISTEN TO MY SPIDER-MAN, WOLVERINE, ECHO OR CAPTAIN AMERICA: Give Moon-Knight a free action and choose one to last until your next turn: Modify his speed value by +1 and he can use Flurry, modify his attack value by +1 and he can use Blades/Claws/Fangs, modify his defense by +1 and he can use Willpower, modify his damage value by +1 and he can use Leadership.
So obviously, being a bit bonkers has its advantages. This power allows players to decide how to best utilize Spector’s schizophrenia to his advantage. Who knew being crazy could be so useful.
Unlike poor Spidey, Moon Knight was given the full keyword treatment with: Avengers, Heroes for Hire, Martial Artist, Marvel Knights, Mystical, and Soldier. Yeah, that’s plenty to work with.
Playing Moon Knight
Moon Knight’s Trait and special power make for one very versatile piece on the battlefield. Keep in mind when you roll a 4-6 for his trait, you also gain the +1 to his range value. This allows you to extend your range some and can surprise your opponents. Make use of Perplex to increase his defense to an 18 (or 19 if his values are already at +1). Try to position him in hindering terrain or objects when you can to take advantage of his Stealth if the roll comes up 1-3 for his trait. When using his special power be sure to ponder your situation, going for the Blades/Claws/Fangs is tempting, but adding a +1 or +2 to your defense and using Willpower to possibly break away or press the attack may be a better move, again its situational. Team mates who can use Telekinesis will help Moon knight get the alpha-strike.
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