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Related: Clix Beat: Cobra
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• Goto Comments
This Trait is one of the saving graces of Zuvembie -- it won't make him much more mobile (going from [5] to [6] won't help much), but it makes Zuvembie very powerful for combat. An attack value of [10] will let him easily hit Spider-Man or Hulk, and [3] damage is enough to damage those pesky Impervious characters (and possibly Invulnerability!).
Of course you're going to want to make sure Zuvembie is already adjacent to an opponent since he doesn't have any kind of move-and-attack powers, so it's probably best to have a character with Flight carry Zuvembie around the map. You could always Telekinesis Zuvembie into position, but that's likely a waste on his early clicks of life.
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Another gem for Zuvembie is his three clicks of Exploit Weakness, which makes his second click of life far more powerful than his first click. [2] damage with Exploit Weakness is incredibly powerful -- allowing you to damage even the Hulk. If you can get the "Scent of Blood" Trait up and running, then you're up to [3] damage. That's pretty sweet for a 25-point-figure.
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