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Feat Cards
In Golden age games, Feat cards are still legal. Here are some suggestions that will give Doom some additional options:
Since Doom starts with Ranged Combat Expert and positioning is important, consider the Trick Shot feat. For (20) points, Doom can now ignore Stealth powers, characters and hindering terrain for line of fire purposes.
Got (10) points leftover? Then consider using the Nanobots feat. Something just feels right about using this feat in combination with a character that uses powered armor. This feat will allow Doom to remove an adjacent object from the game to heal him of (2) clix of damage at a time. Don’t forget this Feat has a prerequisite of a Damage value of two or less in order to make use of it.
Looking for a less costly option? Ok, how about the Spotter feat. For only (5) points, this feat can boost your other friendly characters attack values by +1 when making ranged combat attacks. Remember, you have to be sure Doom has Line of fire to the target, and the target has to be within Doom’s range in order to get the bonus.
Final Assessment
For 139 points this version of Doom is a very feasible option. He’s just inexpensive enough to build a solid team around. Sure, the lack of mobility can be an issue, but with goodies like the Indomitable ability, a good combat dial and an impressive mix of powers, you should still be able to put Doom to good use. Just be sure to give him the right support and remember to position him effectively early on.
That’s all for this week fellow gamers.
So how will you use Doom?
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