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Slade Files: Super Skrull
Eric Schaen (02/22/2012)
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Related: Slade Files: Superman
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Goto Comments

HeroClix Online Super Skrull
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Powers and Abilities

Super Skrull’s dial is chock-full of powers including: Running Shot, Poison, Shape Change, Plasticity, Charge, Quake and Super Senses. He also has the Flight ability, and the Skrull Team ability, as any self respecting Skrull should. Depending on how your Shape Change and Skrull team ability rolls go, Super Skrull could turn out to be very frustrating for your opponent to deal with.

HeroClix SkrullsThis character can use Shape Change, but only succeeds on a roll of 6. Using Shape Change in this way does not prevent the character from using Shape Change through another game effect.

Playing Super Skrull ( Click to see Dial)
Using Super Skrull effectively is all about making the right choices using his “Invisible Shields and Rock Skin” special power. I mean, if your opponent does have characters on their team that ignore Stealth, then DON’T CHOOSE STEALTH! On the other hand, if your opponent can’t ignore Stealth use his special power to combine the use of Stealth with Running Shot to attack your opponent, and then vanish from their line of fire. This will also keep Super Skrull safe from having his powers countered by characters with Outwit. If your opponent has a range oriented team and can ignore stealth, go with Energy Shield Deflection as the better option. If you think your opponent is going to move in for close combat attacks go for Toughness all the way. With a bit of luck, his Skrull TA and Shape Change powers will also keep him from taking hits.

News Flash!!! The SUPER SKRULL and SKRULL ASSASSIN are both available at the HeroClix Online store this Thursday for just 45 cents! Come join the HeroClix Online community now!

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Your Comments:
@Tiny Tim: The Slade Files are not "reviews" -- they are analysis on ways to play with and against certain characters in the HeroClix World (see what I did there?).

Posted by: The Le on 2/24/2012 9:26:22 AM
Nice dial. Kind of a blah review.

Posted by: Tiny Tim on 2/23/2012 9:16:28 PM
Fists and Arms is something similar to what should be on every Mr.Fantastic piece.

Posted by: Tesla on 2/23/2012 12:26:58 PM
Rock Fists & Elastic Arms SP is going to be one of those weirdo power descriptions that going to be in question by a lot of players. I'm assuming since it's still a close combat attack then powers like ESD & hindering terrain bonsues won't work even though it's coming from 3 squares away and requires LOF?

On the other hand I do like Invisible Shields and Rock Skin SP. It's always good to have options! I think at 100 pts. this version of Super Skrull, while not a powerhouse by any stretch, is a very tactical finese piece for it's points in the hands of a good player.

Posted by: phep on 2/22/2012 8:47:33 PM
Seriously nice spread of abilities. He goes from being a mild annoyance piece thanks to stealth/energy shield/shapechange/skrulls TA to being quite the formidable tie up piece. He may not even be viable for secondary attacker status, but in larger games he's going to easily stop teams that tend to cluster and stay close together.

Posted by: Shazbot on 2/22/2012 2:51:47 PM
Yes yes, I see Kl'rt, but what I'm really curious about is if he can team with Praxagora in the main set.

I do love Stealth as one of the defense options.

Posted by: Kragnorak on 2/22/2012 10:38:00 AM