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HeroClix World Scenarios presents: Night of the Sentinel!
This just in! HCRealms member tyroman has given us a HeroClix Hammer of thor Checklist! Now you can better track what figures you own, and what figures you still need! Thanks tyroman! Dowload the checklist now!
The Hammer of Thor set is coming soon, and Wizkids seems to be pulling out all the stops! Recently they released some images from the Hammer of Thor set. Some of these are old, while some are a little newer. Still, any new news is exciting!
To the right is the infamous "Smokey Captain America" figure that was leaked a while back, but mysteriously never showed up in any set. It looks like we'll be seeing it in the Hammer of Thor set, which is certainly very exciting.
Below is the first ad for the Hammer of Thor set. We know this because clearly says "Coming November 2009". How exciting!

Above: a print ad for Hammer of Thor.

Gertrude Yorkes and Old Lace
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