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The Quintessential Silver Surfer HeroClix dial can be a tough one to do. He's just a guy riding a surf board in space, right? Wrong. The Silver Surfer is much more than that, and Eric Schaen is here to prove it to you!
The Quintessential series discusses just one character and presents the "ideal" HeroClix dial for that character.
We start things out with the
TA and the ability to play the The Quintessential Silver Surfer at 250 or 175 points. The 175-point level is already a pretty potent with Penetrating/Psychic Blast, Pulse Wave, Hypersonic Speed, and other goodies. But the 250 point level gets some much needed Impervious, a special power and the ability to "disappear" from the map and reappear anywhere on the next turn!
Dial by Eric Schaen (continued below)...

With all these powers, The Quintessential Silver Surfer is capable of taking on Thanos himself... as it should be! And just in case you get into trouble at the end, the Surfer can use Regeneration or can heal an ally fairly easily with his modified Support!
No relics needed here -- The Quintessential Silver Surfer is the full package!