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Related: Slade Files: The Flash
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(Back in Black)
Related: Slade Files: Venom
Related: The Slade Files: Thor
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Welcome back to the Slade files. This time up the character in the spotlight is the psychotic symbiotic killer, Carnage.
Carnage was once a serial killer known as Cletus Kasady, and became Carnage after merging with the offspring of the alien symbiote called Venom during a prison breakout. The symbiote amplified his psychotic nature making him even less mentally stable than he had been previously and therefore even more dangerous.
Combat values
Carnage has some good and some bad combat values to work with. His speed values take an interesting twist. Starting with 8, Carnage peaks on his fourth clix with a 10, then drops to 9 until his last clix which ends on a 7. His attack values come on pretty strong with a starting value of 11, and slowly dropping to an 8 attack on his final clix. His defense seems to be the weakest of his combat values. He starts with a single average17, and drops right away to a 16, and finally ends with a 15 defense value for his last few clix. His damage values start strong but drop quickly as well. A Solid 4 to start quickly becomes 3 for a couple of clix, and then its nothing but 2’s.

Standard Powers and Abilities
At first glance, Carnage’s powers and abilities may not be exactly what one would expect. His speed powers start with 4 clix of Charge and shifts to 4 clix of Leap/Climb.
Quake shows up mid dial for a few clix, and is his only standard attack power. His defense power is Toughness on all 8 of his clix.
Special powers and Traits
Carnage has two special powers going for him. The first is called, SYMBIOTE BLADE. It works like this; Whenever Carnage is given a close or ranged combat action, you may roll a d6. If you do, Carnage's damage value becomes the result and is locked. So basically Cletus here can use a variation of blades/fangs/claws, but can also use this power with his 4 range.
The second is called MASSACRES ARE MY SPECIALTY and is states; Carnage can use Flurry, Plasticity, and Steal Energy. A nice combination of powers, that seems to be placed just right on his dial. This power gives Carnage the potential to keep a foe pinned down, do damage and heal all at once. This could get interesting.
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