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Welcome back to another top 5 article featuring the top 5 Hulks in Heroclix. For quite some time players had to deal with Hulks that were anything but incredible, however thanks to a plethora of sets that included Hulk characters, there are now a variety of Hulks to smash with.
Disclaimer: Now, be advised, the qualification for this list is that the character can fit on a standard 300 point team (Sorry no Worldbreaker) and that they are legal in modern age games.
So let’s take a look at the top 5 Hulks:
#5 Marvel 10th 002 Hulk
Talk about a bargain. At just 87points this Hulk has a lot to offer, including an activation clix that is actually useful, no really. This version starts out as Bruce Banner hiding out and using his keen intellect to help takedown evil-doers. Yet, a single clix later, this scientist on the run goes from mild mannered to rage monster with all the appropriate powers for a Hulk. This version also represents the Hulk from his first issue sporting his classic gray look, with clix 4 and 5 representing him at his angriest. Late dial Regeneration affords him the opportunity to make a comeback and possibly land on those best clix of his all over again. For 87 points it’s hard to go wrong here.
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Why he’s #5
As good as he is for his points; he’s still a diet or light version of the Hulk. That activation clix is a strength as well as a weakness, an opposing character charging in with a heavy object for six damage will take him right past his best clix and leaving him open for a second attack to put him down.
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