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Welcome back to another installment of Pick a Card, where I combine feats card to characters in an attempt to improve their overall playability in the game.
Heroclix is back! The Hammer of Thor set is now available, and it’s about time. With this long awaited set comes a figure many have clamored for: Captain America. (A.k.a. Smokey feet Captain America.)
Wow! This version of Cap kicks ass! This is truly a fighting man’s Captain! With solid combat values and a good set of power, I think this figure will be on many a team going forward. Now this is how you make one awesome Captain America Dial. Start out with Running Shot, and a range of 8 with two target bolts. Combine this with his Energy Shield/Deflection, (Cap could be looking at a possible 20-21 defense from ranged attacks!) Add a touch of Leadership, like any good Captain America dial should. Then mix in some Close Combat Expert and Willpower.
Mmmmm, sounds good so far but wait... there is a secret ingredient! A special power called Deflection Trajectory! That’s right, cue the lyrics to the Captain America Theme:
“When Captain America throws his mighty shield, all those who chose to oppose his shield must yield.”
With this special power he can really take advantage of his range and mobility. Steve Rogers here is going to be able to target just about any character in most situations. Stealth is not an issue for Mr. Rogers; take that O.T.T.S. Batman! Now what’s that? There’s another character blocking the one you really want to hit. No problem fire away, Cap will find a way to bounce his shield to the targets of his choice. All this for just 72 points, yeah I’m loving’ it.
Ok now for some feat cards that can make this guy shine even more. For starters one thing Cap could use is some damage reducing ability. I like Life Model Decoy:
Life Model Decoy (12 Points): This character may not be healed. Damage dealt to this character is reduced by 1 if it is not reduced by any other effect.
It’s 12 points which is a little pricey but now Cap has the equivalent of Toughness on every clix.
Another choice could be Protected.
Protected (8 points): Choose a character. (Optional) If the character does not already have two action tokens on it, damage dealt to the character as a result of a single action is ignored. After that action is resolved, give the character an action token and remove this feat from the game. If the character already had one action token on it, giving it a second action token deals pushing damage normally.
At 8 points protected is never a bad choice. Plus Caps on the original feat card, so I had to go with it.
It might be a good idea to consider the Thunderbolts feat.
Thunderbolts (5 points per friendly Avengers team member)
Prerequisites: Avengers team ability
All friendly characters with the Avengers team ability have the following team ability instead of the Avengers team ability: After placing your force in your starting area, choose any one team ability other than a wild card team ability or a team ability that can't be copied by wild card team abilities. Members of this team gain the chosen team ability instead of the Avengers team ability, but their team affiliation does not change.
The Prerequisite is the Avengers team ability, so now you can give Cap some fun abilities like the Batman’s stealth, or maybe you like the Suicide Squad for some healing. It’s up to you and for just 5 points, why not.
Honorable mention: Another Feat I like is Inspiring Command.
Inspiring Command (15 points)
Prerequisites: Leadership or Mastermind
Choose a character. Characters with the same team symbol as the character and a lower point value than the character are not dealt pushing damage when a second token is placed upon them if they are adjacent to the character at the beginning or end of an action.
It’s a little pricy at 15 points, and as stated the character must be a lower point value than the chosen character. If not for that this would be my number 1 feat for cap to use. You can keep friendly characters adjacent to him and keep pushing them for free.
So there you have it. My recommendations for the sentinel of liberty! Whatever feats you play with him, I’m sure you will have a blast.
Until next time follower gamers, go clix some butt!