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With the Daredevil tv series coming to Netflix, we thought we'd take a look at what the Quintessential Daredevil HeroClix figure would look like, and once again master designer Eric Schaen has knocked it out of the park!
Right away you'll notice that Daredevil is a Wild Card, which represents his constant team-up with Spider-Man. This gives him a plethora of options, including lending his 18 defense to other Defenders or you can be a jerk and copy Mystics.
Dial by Eric Schaen (continued below...)

The Quintessential Daredevil comes with some standard Charge to let him get into battle quickly, but some Outwit and Perplex makes him a versatile utility piece. What he lacks in sheer damage he makes up with his other heightened senses and ingenuity! Speaking of heightened senses, he gets a full dial of Super Senses thanks to his radar ability as well as Shape Change.
What we like most about the The Quintessential Daredevil dial is the Billy Club ability, which gives him a way to make ranged attacks! So what you get is a nice secondary attacker and utility piece for just 96 points!
What do you think? And will you be watching Daredevil when to comes to Netflix?