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Pow! Atomic Skill HeroClix strategy. (Superman / Wonder Woman #054). Pow! is the HeroClix World modern age strategy series.
Usage / Summary
He can be a little pricey at 150 points, but you get a very mobile primary/secondary attack with excellent staying power, and late dial crowd control.
Excellent mobility with 2 clicks of Running Shot and Sidestep and Invulnerability for four clicks. The damage is not too bad, starting at 4, but the Perplex for the next three clicks will certainly help. Oh, and Indomitable gives him a great advantage to act nearly every turn.
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Key Feature
The most obvious key feature here is the Special Ability that gives him Energy Explosion, Poison, and penetrating damage. This more than makes up for that mediocre damage value. With a double ranged attack, Energy Explosion is particularly powerful here. And if someone bases Atomic Skull, that penetrating Poison will smite them pretty hard. Offensively, Atomic Skull is a beast. And once he loses that special power, he's still dealing penetrating damage with Pulse Wave.
Right: Discounted HeroClix
TA is actually a hindrance in my opinion. Sure it grants you Outwit if you have an ally, but traditionally it's an expensive ability to toss on a figure. Without it, Atomic Skull would be 20-40 points cheaper, which would make him just awesome.
His low range can also be a problem, so use him wisely to get into position.
Theme / Keywords / Teammates
There's a surprisingly large number of Secret Society of Super-Villains out there. For just 50 points I would team the Atomic Skull up with The Outsider.
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There's even a 66 point version that would be good:

At 150, the Atomic Skull can be a little pricey for 300 point games, but with the right team build he's a good primary or secondary attacker.
On a 300 Point Team
Pretty good, but can be taken down quickly by a tentpole or just a good hit with Penetrating/Psychic Blast. Still, the Atomic Skull can dish out damage pretty rapidly with all that penetrating range.
On a 400+ Point Team
Much easier to sport on a team at this point value. He makes an excellent secondary attacker to your tentpole in 400+ games and you can get the right kind of support easily (Telekinesis, etc)
Final Rating: B+
A little pricey at 150 points; not very versatile, but the sheer damage output is a little scary.