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It’s that time again, summer movie blockbuster time that is. And thank God for the superheroes. It seems like without them summer movies would be filled with nothing more than remakes and sequels that are the same movie just with a different location.
This Summer of 2011 is simply huge for Superheroes and their fans.
Thor and the X-Men First Class kick-started this summer’s superhero movies, while Green Lantern and Captain America are poised to take control of the box office.
Now let’s take a look at the top 5 superhero films to make it to the Big Screen... to date.
#5 X2: X-Men United
The first X-Men film in many ways was a green light for modern superhero films. Bryan Singer’s presentation of these fantastic characters in a real world setting made the idea of a mutant species seem almost plausible.
X2 is an example of what can happen when you make a sequel that not only expands upon the previous story, but raises the stakes to a degree that requires heroes and villains to cooperate in order to survive. Like the Empire Strikes back, X2 leaves the characters changed and in an uncertain place.
If you are looking for superior superhero sequel, X2 is the blueprint.
Best Scene: Wolverine defending the kids from Stryker’s soldiers.
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