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Welcome back to Talkback Tuesday, where you have a chance to win a free HeroClix figure just by leaving a comment! Today we're talking about another fantastic Golden Age figure: Green Arrow!
Awesome Clix is a HeroClix series that discusses Golden Age figures that are useful in Modern Age Games.
Green Arrow's a ranged combat machine -- able to deal 4 damage with Ranged Combat Expert (which gives him a +2 to his attack value thank to being the Best Shot in the Biz), not to mention early Willpower. He's also extremely mobile with Running Shot and a tough of Stealth late in the dial along with a Flurry... of Arrows and Combat Reflexes.
Right: Discounted HeroClix Singles!
But what's truly awesome about Green Arrow is that he's a Sharpshooter with 3 ranged attacks and Energy Explosion! For 95 points you have one of the most potent secondary attackers in the game. Toss in some Armor Piercing and you're dealing 1 damage to 3+ targets!
That's pretty amazing anyway you look at it.
Congrats Green Arrow, you're this week's Awesome Clix!
How would you use this Green Arrow in your games? Lets us know below and you could win a free HeroClix figure! We'll pick out a winner next week!