• Goto Comments

Okey this is an easy one. No Twitter required, no Facebook required, so nothing to complain about. Below is a nice picture of HeroClix. It's pretty (deceptively) simple -- I need you to ID the figures...
See rules below...
Post a comment below listing the names of all the figures and Bystander Tokens. The correct answer gets entered into the Minature Market GOTG Cast Giveaway (which we're doing early next week). We also recommend you DOWNLOAD HIGH-RESOLUTION IMAGES so you can view them at home while you're figuring it out.
(Shipping and eligibility info for this promotion can be found here)
2 winners will be chosen and put into the drawing, based on the following criteria.
• First to post all correct figure names, in alphabetical order
• First to post all correct figures, in order of point cost
I'll also pick out 2 random winners for either a free HeroClix Tab App, POP! Spider-Man or a free Mystery box! This promotion ends FRIDAY.

In the meantime, check out these awesome Miniature Market sale going on today!! I even made a fancy image for you to click below -- nice and big so you can't miss it.