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• Goto Comments
King Ghidorah is probably my favorite of the Godzilla monsters. Seriously, who doesn't like 3-headed dragons? I remember looking at the Godzilla fan book over and over again, always coming back to the Ghidorah pages.
This powerful creature is built for range. Running Shot, Impervious, and Energy Explosion/Force Blast is a great starting place for the king. And if you can get to those special clicks, his 3-Headed-attack can potentially deal 5/4/3 damage! This beast is everything you want from a dragon! This dial was created by Eric Schaen.

From Wikipedia: King Ghidorah (also known as King Ghidrah, King Ghidora and Monster Zero) is a kaiju, a fictional Japanese monster featured in several of Toho Studios' Godzilla films. It appears as an armless, three-headed dragon with large wings and two tails.
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