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Related: Blackest Zombie Night
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HANNU can use Willpower, Outwit, Charge, Sidestep, Quake, Precision Strike, Close Combat Expert, Toughness, Invulnerability, Impervious, Exploit Weakness, and more!

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Jade can use Running Shot, Phasing/Teleport, Willpower, Toughness, Perplex, Energy Shield/Deflection, Pulse Wave, Incapacitate, and more!

Rond Vidar can use Flight, Sidestep, Incapacitate, Shape Change, Stealth, Willpower, Energy Shield/Deflection, Outwit, Probability Control, and is a Wild Card.

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Katma Tui can use Flight, Running Shot, Penetrating/Psychic Blast, Energy Shield/Deflection, Willpower, Leadership, Ranged Combat Expert, Toughness, Perplex, Sidestep, and more.

From Wikipedia: The War of Light takes place in the Green Lantern Sector of DC Comics. From wikipedia: "An ancient prophecy from The Book of Oa where the seven colors of The Emotional Electromagnetic Spectrum would be harnessed and used by the seven Lantern Corps, heralding The Blackest Night. "
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