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• Goto Comments
02-17-2014: Validus is quite the Monster; he can be played at 249 points or 175 points. I'm included to go with the 175 point version since he'll start out with 3 clicks of Running Shot (which goes a long way).
Validus gets Super Strength, Penetrating/Psychic Blast, Pulse Wave, Charge, Flurry, Quake, Impervious, Invulnerability, Toughness, Indomitable and Close Combat Expert. Oh, and he's got Giant Reach! (oh, and he's a Wild Card)

The last time we saw Validus was actually the first time... way back in the DC GIANTS set. Here's teh dial for a proper comparison!

Starman is in the house at 95 points, and sporting the JSA Team Ability, two traits, and 6 clicks of life!
Starman comes with Running Shot, Force Blast, Charge, Telekinesis, Pulse Wave, Perplex, Ranged Combat Expert, and Exploit Weakness!

12-09-2013: What a wildman! At 155 points, Blok comes with Flight, Wild Card TA, Charge, Super Strength, Impervious, Close Combat Expert, Toughness, Quake, Invulnerability, Mastermind... and he looks alot like Solomon Grundy. No, really...

11-08-2013 The Highfather dial has some mean abilities for 130 points, starting with Quintessence. He's also got Leadership, Probability Control, Support, Phasing/Teleport, Telekinesis, Toughness, Invincible, Close Combat Expert, and one click of Regeneration at the end!

From wikipedia:
"The Legion of Super-Heroes is a fictional superhero team in the 30th and 31st centuries of the DC Comics Universe. Initially, the team was closely associated with the original Superboy (Superman when he was a teenager), and was first portrayed as a group of time travelers who frequently visited him. In later years, the Legion's origin and back story were fleshed out, and the group was given prominence on par with Superboy's in a monthly comic. Eventually, Superboy was removed altogether, except as an occasional guest star."
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