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• Goto Comments
Christopher Reeve’s dual depiction of Clark/Superman will always be the model by which all Superman actors are measured. Newcomer Henry Cavill fills the big red boots better than any who have attempted to since Reeve. Cavill pulls off Clark Kent’s mild mannered temperament and plays the character as more of a turn-the-other cheek pacifist, rather than an incompetent boob. Cavill also brings the goods to the sequences that feature Superman’s incredible feats and plays the character forthright, without making him feel like an un-relatable relic.
Overall, I liked the depiction of Lois Lane. Man of Steel’s Lois is a much more competent reporter and her character is utilized for more than simply a damsel in distress (although that does happen from time to time). Problematic, though, were the scenes that touch on the budding romance between Lois and Superman. Maybe it’s just me, but I just didn’t feel any heat there.
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