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Related: Slade Files: DR. DOOM
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• Goto Comments

What’s Lacking
Unfortunately for a character that costs is nearly half of your build total in a standard game, Spidey’s base damage is never higher than a 2. With his powers in place it’s not a tremendous downer, still for his cost I would have liked to see a natural 3 damage value at on his first clix at the very least.
I like that he has 7 clix of life as opposed to the usual 6 clix he typically receives. However, I feel some late dial Willpower would have been appropriate. Some folks feel Spider-Man is a worthy candidate for the Indomitable ability, I can totally see that. Then again, I feel late dial Willpower is a just slightly more fitting on most Spider-Man dials. It’s a shame that Willpower wasn’t worked in as part of a combo power on those last couple of clix.
Probably the most disappointing thing about this Spider-Man is his lack of keywords. Plenty of other versions are equipped with keywords of teams that Spider-Man has been allied with like Avengers, Fantastic Four and Marvel Knights. While these aren’t essential, they really encourage theme team building. Would it have been too much to hope for at least one of the aforementioned keywords? Well, at least the new Spider-Man Family Keyword is present to offer at least one non-generic theme team to work with.
HeroClix World feat Suggestions: Vendetta, Alias, Vault, Sneak, Rip It Up, Pummel, Lucky Break
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