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• Goto Comments
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05-09-2013: It's a new NOWHERE SOLDIER! Only 1 click of Charge though...

05-09-2013: Ah, but what if you put the Nowhere soldier with Centerhall? Running Shot + Penetrating/Psychic Blast = awesomeness!

And just for completeness, here's the GRAVITY FEED Version of nowhere soldier...

From Comicvine: "Director Centerhall is seen torturing Superboy just before the Bart Allen, Bunker, and Skitter rush in to save him from N.O.W.H.E.R.E.. Centerhall tries to use a wall of psionic energy to stop Bart, but Bart is able to move too fast. After freeing Superboy, Bart uses his super-speed to get him and his teammates to safety, this leaves Centerhall to comment, that why he hates battling speedsters."
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