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• Goto Comments

Bradford Z: I am a dad who plays heroclix with my two young sons, so my expertise in all things clix may not be as well versed as many others, but I think a good DC duo (which I don't think I have seen out there) would be Green Arrow/Black Canary.
There's the whole romance factor of the comics history as well as the potential for some great ranged combo attacks. It probably would not have to be that high a point value either which would allow it to easily be put into a standard game.
David TR: Green Arrow was the star of the back-up to Brave & The Bold! But when Green Arrow graduated from the Hard Driving Heroes with Green Lantern in Showcase and later in the Green Lantern comic of the 1970's we had Green Arrow start one of the great action romances in comics since Mr Fantastic honeymooned with the Invisible Woman. We saw Green Arrow partner with Black Canary and together we had a romance that brought martial arts to street gang battles. Green Arrow might target 3 people at the same time but Black Canary would use her sonic scream to incapacitate and even knock out every one in the room for a few rounds while they made their way to the big bad.
Once they got to the big bad Green Arrow would hit them high while Black Canary would hit them low. Check out the Mike Grell run of Green Arrow where they never call him Green Arrow and you will notice that Green Arrow not only had the bloodiest bow around but that Black Canary hold his back was the queen of the swing kick.

Randall B: How about Joker and Harley? That would be an interesting figure... when in any of the comics do you not see his psycho female friend next to him doing something to make him happy.
For example, somehow put a hampering on Batman and Robin in some way.
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