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arrowHiro Clix: Sailor Scouts
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Hiro Clix: Sailor Scouts
Logan Stecher (01/15/2015)
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Related: Hiro Clix: Soul Eater
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Goto Comments

Finally we’re back with the third and final part of Hiro Clix Sailor Scouts! If you haven’t been checking the articles, be sure to check out parts 1 and 2 of the Sailor Scouts to see the whole team (i.e. pages 1-6)! First up for this article we have Sailor Jupiter who is another notable ranged fighter that was part of the first five sailors! Her core strength comes from a series of lightning based attacks that is sure to shock her opponents (pun intended).

Continued Below...

Sailor Jupiter HeroClix Dial

Sailor Jupiter holds very potent range especially with her trait, Supreme Thunder and attack, Thunder Dragon! She also is useful in supporting her other ranged allies with lightning through Enhancement. Additionally she protects herself through her notable electric fields, represented by Energy Shield/Deflection. All that with a 7 range and 50 points sounds like a good deal.

Playing with Sailor Jupiter: It would be beating a dead horse to say again that she is a potent ranged character. She may not have Running Shot but she does have Sidestep which can be just enough to move and shoot. Since she’ll have low speed to move with you may need a transporter to carry her.

Playing against Sailor Jupiter: An eyesore with Sailor Jupiter’s dial is that she heavily lacks any close combat potential. That plus a short dial means that any brute can have a field day on her. Just be sure that your brute isn’t shot-at on the way to her.

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Your Comments:
they would look great on a team base or get them to do a Full Metal team set with al ed roy hawkeye and her dog

Posted by: twolv on 12/1/2015 9:57:41 PM
I second the call for Bleach, and I'd like to see Cloud, too with an SP named "Giant Sword" or maybe "Impossibly Giant Sword".

Posted by: superfriend on 2/6/2015 7:01:48 AM
you should do an article on bleach, specifically kenpachi

Posted by: julio quezada on 2/2/2015 4:09:07 PM
Very nice, very nice indeed. Only gripe is that Saturn has Pulse Wave (both normal and special) but 0 range.

Posted by: Nordles on 1/29/2015 10:52:50 AM
@Nordles : That first click should be ES/D, Nordles. A mistake on my part -- this has been fixed. If you don't see it, refresh the page. Thanks!

Posted by: The Le on 1/18/2015 10:10:45 AM
All in all not bad, but I would have preferred Sailor Mars to Sailor Venus, being as she was one of the original three.

Speaking of Sailor Venus, it appears that she has a defense special power in slot one, but no defense special is mentioned.

Posted by: Nordles on 1/17/2015 2:26:45 PM
The love chain places the target 7 squares of Venus

Posted by: Lord Logan on 1/16/2015 12:20:56 AM
1. Sailor Venus's Love Chain puts (I mean places) the target within 7 squares of you or them?
2. Having a Sailor Scouts Team Base is a wonderful idea. That said, do they need red/blue/yellow marks on their dials for Solo Adventure? and what of the planets past Jupiter?
3. Needs moar Moon Tiara Magic

Posted by: ChippyYYZ on 1/15/2015 7:47:26 PM
To the limplizard: They damn well better, the sailor scouts are the Beethoven/Citizen Kane/Middle Earth books of Manga/Anime.

I gotta admit, when I heard about YuGiOh becoming clixed, the first thought in my mind was 'when is NECA going to start making Sailor Moon merchandise and which scout would give the backhand to which superhero when it does happen'.

Posted by: Ryoko on 1/15/2015 2:15:17 PM
Are they actually making this set?!?!?!?!? :D

Posted by: lone limplizard on 1/15/2015 11:17:24 AM
Yes! I got on the called out comments!

Posted by: GILLY25 on 1/15/2015 8:10:13 AM
Their good, but I'm not sure I'd play them. Maybe Sailor Venus.

Posted by: GILLY25 on 1/15/2015 8:09:24 AM