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Our Worst Clix Ever series continues with a more modern figure -- Iron Man Mk 15. You'll notice right away that he comes in a whopping 221 points, but is he worth it at that price? In short, heck no. I'm not even sure he'd be worth it at 199 points!
If you look at the stats, it's actually "not bad" -- 11 movement with Charge, Running Shot, and Stealth gives Mk 15 some early mobility. Flight lets him carry, and he has 4 very nice clicks of Invulnerability. Even on the attack front, it lokos good with a starting 11 attack, 6
and some Penetrating/Psychic Blast... wait, I take that back... only a range of 6?!?
continued below...

Iron man has a great Trait that prevents characters from targeting him if they 5 squares or farther away, but that's not really going to do a lot of good if Iron Man Mk 15's range is only 6... and with a starting two clicks of Charge, Iron Man's going to have to get close to his opponents anyway, which completely nullifies the usefulness of that trait! Even that Special Power is pretty problematic since most figures are sitting at a 17 or 18 Defense these days (which means Iron Man would have to roll a 10 or greater on his attack rolls.
But the most offending part of this figure is the horribly high cost of 221 points. Seriously, what is this figure? A Close combatant or a Ranged combatant? Because he feels like a close combatant, which makes him far too expensive to field in a 300 point game (or even a 400 point game). A smart opponent would just run around and kill off all of Iron Man's supporting team members since... well, Iron Man only has a paltry range of 6 (and no running shot until the 3rd click).
Congrats Iron Man Mk 15, you're today's Worst Clix Ever!