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We continue our Worst Clix Ever series with a real oldie but definitely not goodie - DC Hypertime's Parasite.
It's a funny thing, because at first glance Parasite doesn't seem too bad, especially with Golden Age goggles on. He's got nearly a full dial of Leap/Climb and a starting click of Poison and 6 clicks of Steal Energy. He's even got a couple clicks with a 10 attack value!
But then you take a step back and you realize -- he sucks. Continued below...

His first click of life really says it all -- he can't get into position anywhere with that awful [6] speed, can't hit anything (at least in today's game) with a less than stellar [8] attack value (and no range), but he does have Poison... which won't do much good with the oodles of damage reduction in today's game. Granted, Poison was more potent back in the olden days, but geez just look at that defense value!
One click of Impervious and Toughness means nothing if you start with at [12] Defense and no power. Just one decent hit and he's past those damage reducers (and poison), and still nowhere near an enemy to steal energy from.
All this isn't necessarily terrible... until you factor in the heinously high cost of 107 points! The
TA has always been an expensive ability, but on this figure it's just makes a sucky HeroClix worse. In a 300 point game you might as well just give your opponent those 107 Victory points to save the embarrassment. Heck, I'm not sure this figure is worth it in any point game!
Congratulations Parasite, you're this week's Worst Clix Ever.