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Today we kick off a brand new series of articles called the Quintessential series. For this new series, we'll be presenting the ideal HeroClix dial for your favorite comic book characters. DC Entertainment has declared today as Batman Day, and what better way to celebrate than with the Quintessential Batman dial?
Batman has always fit multiple rolls -- he's a fighter, he's a loner, he's a team player (when he's in the mood), and he's the best tactician around.
As a fighter, the Quintessential Batman gets an array of offensive abilities like Charge, Running Shot, and Bat Gadgets that include Smoke Cloud, Incapacitate, and Energy Explosion. Time and again we've seen Batman use these devices (with Smoke Cloud being his favorite)
Dial by Eric Schaen - continued below...

As a loner the Quintessential Batman gets a full dial of Stealth thanks to his Batman Ally TA, and Indomitable of course (his will is great). As a utility team player and tactician, he gets Outwit and Perplex, but not too much of it -- he'll always find the weak spot in any opponent. Just remember, Batman's not a tentpole piece. In the game of HeroClix, he should be part of a well constructed team.
Do you have a favorite comic character you'd like to see in the next Quintessential? Let us know below! (and tell us what you think of the Quintessential Batman!)