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Quintessential Zombie Wolverine

The Quintessential Leeroy Jenkins
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Quintessential Taskmaster
The Quintessential Kung Fury
Hiro Clix: Fifth Kazekage
The Quintessential Silver Surfer
The Quintessential Deadpool
Quintessential Daredevil
The Quintessential Jimmy Olsen
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Quintessential Arrow
The Quintessential Superior Iron Man
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Quintessential Invisible Woman
The Quintessential Punisher
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arrowQuintessential Spawn
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Quintessential Spawn
Eric Schaen & The Le (08/13/2014)
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Goto Comments

HeroClix World Quintessential Spawn DialTodd McFarlane burst onto the comic scene in the late 80s with his take on The Incredible Hulk and Spider-Man. After he left Marvel, be went on to form Image comics and came out with his own "hero", Spawn. Sadly, we've never seen Spawn appear in HeroClix form, but that's where the Quintessential Spawn comes in!

The Quintessential series discusses just one character and presents the "ideal" HeroClix dial for that character.

The Quintessential Spawn is based on the Year-1 Spawn and is a combination of the many powers that Spawn has exhibited over the years, starting with some up front Energy Explosion, Running Shot, Stealth, and Shape Change. He's also tough, but not impervious, hence he has a trait that gives him Toughness. (Sorry Todd, but as much as you would like to think so, Spawn can't take on Superman).

Related: 15 Things You Don't Know About HeroClix

Dial by Eric Schaen (continued below...)

HeroClix World Quintessential Spawn Dial

Of course, the real beauty of the Quintessential Spawn is his Necroplasm ability, letting him use any power. Remember, when Spawn first started, he had a limited amount of power that he could use -- once he used it up, he would be powerless. Of course, the Quintessential Spawn has some other tidbits at his disposal to round him out -- Charge, Phasing/Teleport, Blades/Claws/Fangs, and late dial Regeneration -- all very comic accurate.

Remember, this is the Year 1 Spawn. The only unanswered question is this: Should Spawn be Mystics?

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Your Comments:
"reading that McFarlane said Spawn would have to be the best piece in the game before he would give permission"

"glad" to see that good ol' Todd is still an A-hole after all these years

Posted by: Alexander on 8/15/2014 3:02:47 AM
Read Spawn from the beginning. Man you guys screwed something up

Posted by: Spangdog on 8/14/2014 4:24:34 AM
Will never happen. Remember years ago reading that McFarlane said Spawn would have to be the best piece in the game before he would give permission.

Posted by: dorker on 8/14/2014 2:35:01 AM
i honestly have no idea who spawn is? seems like a deadpool rip off? like I said I don't know who he is? never seen a movie or game or heck even a comic??(except for soul caliber 2) other than that he's not even a hero from what I have heard? still waiting on my power rangers tho!

Posted by: decoder on 8/14/2014 1:20:26 AM
I would luv a Spawn character to be made. The powers seem right, this is a good year 1 version of Spawn, a rookie rank.

I like the free attack, it represents the chains acting on their own and since it requires a roll to hit, its no big deal. Unlike Ghost Rider who just makes you take a clix of unavoidable damage. You know, just because.

Keep these coming!

Posted by: Shaft! on 8/13/2014 12:10:42 PM
Forgot to mention Spawn should have the Mystic keyword, but not the TA.

Posted by: 0uroboros on 8/13/2014 9:57:00 AM
I agree with superfriend. I understand the flavor of the Chains and Spikes SP, but I'd rather it gave him Poison (or some version of it) than a free attack. Necroplasm SP is awesome, and the 1 unavoidable cost is fair.

Posted by: 0uroboros on 8/13/2014 9:55:27 AM
No Assassin keyword?

Posted by: AG on 8/13/2014 9:14:33 AM
quick glance.
2 actions tokens can make attack as a free action - I say no. I just disagree with this idea in the game in general.

Posted by: superfriend on 8/13/2014 9:09:37 AM
This is what I am taking about! I am big spawn fan one of the only ones still reading the comic. I really like the dial and in the future hope Todd can change his mine and let wiz kids do a piece. The piece should have mystic since the suit is alive. Can't wait for Al Simmons return in #250.

Posted by: Kaijuhero on 8/13/2014 5:33:21 AM