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Quintessential Freddy Krueger
Eric Schaen and The Le (10/30/2014)
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Goto Comments

HeroClix Dial the Quintessential Freddy KruegerFreddy Krueger is one of those enigmatic horror villains that holds a place in many people's heart. While Freddy himself is just a figure head, what really makes the Nightmare on Elm Street series great was the writing. There was always a great deal of irony to how the innocent people got killed, and that is what made the series great.

Related: The Quintessential Jason Vorhees

Dial be Eric Schaen (continued below...)

HeroClix Dial the Quintessential Freddy Krueger

Charge, Poison, Blades/Claws/Fangs gives Freddy some nice offensive powers, but notice that he starts on click #3! Of course he gains some Regeneration when he KO's an opposing figure, which can keep Freddy around for a really long time.

I think the dial speaks for itself -- what do you think?

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Your Comments:
i love charcters who have traited steal energy and stuff

Posted by: GILLY25 on 11/3/2014 7:49:36 AM
A total beast top dial if he makes it there. Going to give your opponent nightmares trying to prevent a K.O. Like it!

Posted by: MantisWarrior on 11/1/2014 5:38:49 AM
Works for me. Personally I like that the Blades/claws is limited. I mean Freddy's kills are not just from slashing; he gets creative.

Posted by: Wade on 10/30/2014 4:36:36 PM
I agree- Traited BCF FTW.

Posted by: MEsch on 10/30/2014 2:49:50 PM
it looks like a fun dial, the only thing I would change is the blades/claws/fangs, I'd make it a trait since he pretty much always has his glove, and give him a bonus to attack and/or damage based on how tired (number of action tokens) on the target

Posted by: William O on 10/30/2014 10:40:54 AM