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As part of our Hiro Clix special, we're bringing you the female team that saved the universe countless times in the 90’s -- the Sailor Scouts! We'll be breaking this up into several parts, starting with three!
Sailor Moon was released from the early to late 1990’s that featured a group of females warriors that were based off the planets within our solar system with the exception on the main character, Sailor Moon. Each member had unique powers and abilities that represented their planet, or moon, that may also relate to their personality. The series main antagonists consisted of monster-like people that attempted to take over the Earth on numerous occasions.
Hiro Clix is a series that brings you specific characters from anime shows and provides them with accurate HeroClix dials. The dials are then discussed on how best to play with them and how best to play against them.
The first member of this article is the series’ main character, Sailor Moon. What sets this series apart from most others is that Sailor Moon is not a standard leader that takes charge and spits out orders with courageous acts but rather is possibly the most cowardly of the group. This however changes over time when she becomes used to fighting monsters and villains that she grows fond of being able to protect her friends and loved-ones.

Serena begins her fight in one of two ways. She either utilizes disguises granted through transformations (Shape Change) and/or makes a dynamic Sailor Kick attack (Charge) that knocks many off their feet. Soon after receiving damage, Sailor Moon begins to lose confidence and thus, stats, but can unleash a harsh sonic attack by her crying wails which are represented by Pulse Wave. In between she has a touch of Energy Explosion to represent her Spiral Hearts attack and similar moves. Finally she finishes off with a special Support that, in a sense, banishes evil. Take additional notice too that while apart of the Sailor Scouts Team Base she has Perplex from her Moon Scepter.
Playing with Sailor Moon: Sailor Moon’s opening dial gives her one of two options. Her first most obvious is to weasel around hindering terrain until you have a clear shot of that Charge. Serena’s better course of action however would be to utilize her for ranged attacks in order to take advantage of distance with hindering terrain on top of Shape Change. Should she be with the other Sailor Scouts that heavily utilize range however, you may need to use Sailor Moon as a beginning tie-up piece all-the-while taking advantage of that Combat Reflexes. If set on a mystical theme team with monsters she should begin as a secondary attacker that becomes a support piece later in the game.
Playing against Sailor Moon: While Sailor Moon can have some damaging potential in terms of poking down swarms of enemies with Pulse Wave and Energy Explosion, she suffers in the defensive and movement department. It shouldn’t be too hard to shoot her down quick on her opening dial and thus avoiding her Combat Reflexes, assuming she rolls low for Shape Change. After that you can out action her before letting her do any critical damage.
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