Hiro Clix: Naruto
Clix Craves: Star Wars
Quintessential Winter Soldier
Quintessential Ninjak
The Quintessential Alien
Quintessential Mad Pierrot
Quintessential Zombie Spider-Man
Quintessential Zombie Wolverine

The Quintessential Leeroy Jenkins
The Quintessential Joker
Quintessential Iron Patriot
Quintessential Flash
Hiro Clix: Golgo 13
Quintessential Taskmaster
The Quintessential Kung Fury
Hiro Clix: Fifth Kazekage
The Quintessential Silver Surfer
The Quintessential Deadpool
Quintessential Daredevil
The Quintessential Jimmy Olsen
Hiro Clix: Sokka
Quintessential Arrow
The Quintessential Superior Iron Man
Quintessential Batman Beyond
Quintessential Invisible Woman
The Quintessential Punisher
Critical Miss: Sponsored Teams
Hiro Clix: Sailor Scouts
ClixCraves: Buffy TVS
Quintessential Sunfire
Worst Clix Ever - Abomination
Quintessential Superior Spider-Man MK2
Hiro Clix: Attack on Titan
Quintessential Deathstroke
Worst Clix Ever - Iron Man Mk 15
Worst Clix Ever - Element Lad
Quintessential Ash Williams
Quintessential Freddy Krueger
Quintessential Jason (Double Feature!)
Hiro Clix: Goku
Quintessential Juggernaut
Worst Clix Ever - Wrecker
Quintessential Spider-Man
Worst Clix Ever - Hound
Quintessential Doomsday
Worst Clix Ever - Parasite
Bystander Party! (Colleen Wing)
Quintessential Dr. Doom
ClixCraves: D&D
Bystander Party! (Val Cooper)
Quintessential Spawn
ClixCraves: TMNT
Quintessential Aquaman
Quintessential Hulk
Quintessential Batman
ClixCraves: G.I. Joe
ClixCraves: Superman
ClixCraves: Captain America
Clix Addict #2
ClixCraves: Godzilla
HeroClix World Evolution
Joe Kubert, RIP 08-12-2012
Gen Con: I wish I Was Going
HeroClix Podcast: Starting Over
Critical Clix: Star Trek Tactics
Of Dice and Plastic Men: Gandalf and Superman, Rep
Of Dice and Plastic Men: The Super-est of Sets
Of Dice and Plastic Men:Nightcrawler User's Guide
Karl Confidential: A Wizkids Moment
How to Build a Successful Venue
Of Dice and Plastic Men: Sweet Release
Masterpiece HeroClix
Of Dice and Plastic Men: X Marks the Spot
Clix Addict #1
Bin Laden: Dead
Critical Clix: PAC Powers
The Borders Effect
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DreamClix: Zombie Apocalypse
ClixCraves Vol 02
Economy, Trolls, & HeroClixs
Robert's Dial Maker
ClixCraves Vol 01
DreamClix: The Transformers
Batman on My Baby
Critical Miss: Injustice League
DreamClix: Star Trek
Critical Miss: Giants
HeroClix World Baby!
Critical Miss: Print and Play
HeroClix: For Profit
Black History Month
Fixing HeroClix

Worst Clix Ever - World's Finest
The Le (04/10/2015)
Related: Worst Clix Ever - Abomination
Related: Man of Steel HeroClix Spoilers
Related: Super Cafe
Related: Man of Steel: How It Should Have Ended
Goto Comments

Worst Clix Ever: World's FinestThe Worst Clix Ever series returns with one of my favorite HeroClix sculpts: World's Finest! This Superman / Batman Duo is a really cool concept, but ultimately falls flat (like the Man of Steel movie sequel likely will). Seriously, at 500 points this is all it's got?!?!

Related: Man of Steel Honest Trailers

For 500 points we expect much more out of our HeroClix figures -- for starters, what's with the lame 8 range? Sure he's got the and TAs, but a meager 4 damage isn't going to cut it, even if he does have Outwit. Heck, even Marvel Supernova's Thanos comes does 4 damage (with outwit), and Thanos comes in at just 267 points with a range of 10 and !

continued below...

Worst Clix Ever - World's Finest

I have to admit that the [18] defense with Impervious is very nice, but that drops pretty quickly to just a value of [15] for the last 6 clicks. REALLY?!?!?

I can literally go on for 10 pages as to why this 500 point figure is so terrible, but I'm just going to let the dial speak for itself. Even back in the Crisis Days, this figure just stinks -- and in today's power game he's one shot away from being a lousy 3-damage attacker. As I said before, I love the sculpt and I'll never sell my World's Finest, but I'll also never play him in a tournament. It really comes down to this: for 500 points, you piece together a much better team than this. As it is now, World's Finest would be better off at maybe 400 points.

Thanos - similar start stats, but actually playable (continued below...)

Thanos HeroClix Dial

Congrats World's Finest, you're this week's Worst Clix Ever! (seriously... why would anyone play this?)

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Your Comments:
Yes... It is a correct view about the many weaknesses of such "Duo Characters' Clix"... I mean... Thanos, since they use it to make comparisons has also 2 "targets"'s flashes instead of only 1 like the Duo has... And also can shot at 10 squares instead of 8 !!! And it costs almost the half the price if compared to the Duo Character... What a shame !!!

Posted by: Ivan on 7/16/2016 9:47:42 AM
Yes... It is a correct view about the many weaknesses of such "Duo Characters' Clix"... I mean... Thanos, since they use it to make comparisons has also 2 "targets"'s flashes instead of only 1 like the Duo has... And also can shot at 10 squares instead of 8 !!! And it costs almost the half the price if compared to the Duo Character... What a shame !!!

Posted by: Ivan on 7/16/2016 9:47:40 AM
And, @Deadpool, expressing his opinion is fine, but mentioning it in almost every single post he makes is annoying. We get it, you don't like it. Now please just stop.

Posted by: You'll never know...... on 11/4/2015 1:30:44 PM
@Immortus It would seem the Hulkbuster Mk II at least managed to break the hundred-point curse.

Posted by: You'll never know on 11/4/2015 1:27:36 PM
There is actually a silly 500 point piece formula that has yet to be dropped. I believe it's based on comparisons from this dial. Just take a look at Thor's mighty chariot and the 500 point colossal Thanos figures. Both share the same deficiency as the world's finest. 500 points is an awkward point value for any one figure anyway. This figure would've been a million times more effective if it had a split dial. 150 - starting on its 10th click, 300 starting on its 5th click and then the 500 point full dial. How many players would've played this figures lower point version? I know I would.

Posted by: Immortus on 5/14/2015 7:23:48 AM
I love the man of steel movie!

Posted by: Leo on 4/28/2015 1:55:33 PM
Guys chill everyone's intitled to their opinions. He's had every right to say it was a bad movie... you can't tell soneone "shut up " just because they have their own views on something. What are we five ?

Posted by: Deadpool on 4/15/2015 7:44:13 AM
Seriously, dude. SHUT UP about Man of Steel. It wasn't NEARLY as bad as X-Men: The Last Stand.

Posted by: You'll never know... on 4/14/2015 10:01:35 AM
A controversial choice this time around The Le! Not on my list of 'worst'but probably one of the most disappointing. That 15D has no right to be there nor does the 8AV. For such an exclusive piece you want more. At least it is a cool fig that isn't 'broken' good like some more modern pieces.

Posted by: MantisWarrior on 4/12/2015 1:52:34 AM
At least the Worlds Finest Dial can move and attack. Thanos can't. and how will Thanos use that Outwit if there's enough Hindering terrain for the Batman Team ability to be useful?

Posted by: Grim on 4/10/2015 9:19:36 PM
You always gotta throw a crack at man of steel eh? Some people like it and some people don't. And worlds finest was ok during it's time, not great and not a figure you would dread to see. In a golden age game with some resources it's still useful to some degree in today's game but it's nowhere near worth the points today.

Posted by: Anonymous on 4/10/2015 4:06:11 PM
While I'm not much of a DC fan.. worlds finest "at it's time" seems crazy powerful having 18 clix of life!! now adays yes it seems to be bad... And as the days go by the more bad it becomes.. But "at it's time I can see this piece wrecking alot of clix. duo attack, thanos does start with more power but dosent live nearly as long plus he don't have the duo attack... I have to say worlds finest isn't too bad"for their time" but now it's just a collection piece.

Posted by: Bardock on 4/10/2015 2:37:38 PM