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Spider-Man may be a hero to some, but to others he's a menace that's responsible for bringing Venom to the world. The anti-Spider-men have joined forces to terrorize the city and it's up to you to stop them!
Players / Points / Actions
•2 players, 600 point teams, 4 actions per turn
•Alternate rules: 1000 points, 5 actions per turn
•No BFCs allowed
•All other Feat cards follow the 10% rule.
Player 1 (Symbiotes)
The Symbiote team can only consist of characters named Venom, Anti-Venom, Toxin, Carnage, or Eddie Brock (or LE versions of those characters). All characters on this team receive the Maximum Carnage ability (this is not a feat).
•Player 1 Special: The opposing Team Leader is worth double the normal victory points.
Player 2 (Defenders)
The Defenders team must consist of any Marvel figures. One (and only one) of those figures must be Spider-Man, Peter Parker, Bombastic Bag-Man, or Scarlet Spider (or LE versions of those characters) -- this one character is considerd the Team Leader. The Team Leader receives the Great Responsibility card (this is not a feat).

Maximum Carnage: Members of this team can use Poison, which deals penetrating damage.
Great Responsibility: This character can use Perplex, Outwit, and Leadership. If this character's Leadership roll results in a 6, remove an action token off of any character on your team.
Notes: Rolling a "6" for Great Responsibility has two effects -- you get an extra action token as normal, and you get the extra effect stated on the card. Good time to use Probability Control!
Edit: Several people have asked if the Symbiote can be played. My initial reaction is "no" since it might break the spirit of the scenario -- which is a variation of monsters vs heroes. Which side would the Symbiote take?
That being said, I will leave this completely up to you and your opponent. Whether you decide "yes" or "no", it's still the right choice and I support your decision!