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HeroClix World Scenarios presents: Night of the Sentinel!
This just in! HCRealms member tyroman has given us a HeroClix Hammer of thor Checklist! Now you can better track what figures you own, and what figures you still need! Thanks tyroman! Dowload the checklist now!
Below is the brand new dial for KURSE the new Super-Rare from the Hammer of Thor set! Special thanks to Kenmore Comics in Kenmore OH (330-745-5530) for allowing me to take pictures of this awesome figure!

Below: the original master sculpt, done by our friend James Vanschaik. We interviewed him and will have that available sometime in the next two weeks!

Below are images (and dial) for RONAN THE ACCUSER. He is an uncommon, 130 points, Hammer of Thor figure #031, and he's very green. Special Thanks to JC COMICS in Cuyahoga Falls OH (330-929-1929) for providing us with this figure!

Below: the original master sculpt, done by our friend James Vanschaik. We interviewed him and will have that available sometime in the next two weeks!

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