Batman the Detective
Marvel Civil War HeroClix
Awesome Clix: Silver Samurai
Batman v Superman (extended) review
Superior Foes of Spider-Man HeroClix Spoilers
2016 HeroClix Convention Figures!
Civil War Spoilers
Dawn of Justice: How It Should Have Ended

Dawn of Justice 1% Give-away!
Review: Dawn of Justice
Uncanny X-Men HeroClix Spoilers
Deadpool Movie Review
HeroClix 2016 Changes
KC Revisited
Trailer Time
How It Works: ClixFX
Awesome Clix: Karate Kid
Clix Combos: Oberon & Mister Miracle
Worlds Finest HeroClix Spoilers
Monday Memes II
Review: Star Wars Force Awakens
Sininster Six Spoilers
Hiro Clix: Naruto
Clix Craves: Star Wars
Probability and Statistics
Pow! Deadshot
Quintessential Winter Soldier
Pow! Atomic Skull
Awesome Clix: Daredevil
Quintessential Ninjak
Awesome Clix: Iceman
Awesome Clix: Cosmo
Awesome Clix: FCBD Thor
Winter of HeroClix World
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Hiro Clix: Soul Eater
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The Quintessential Alien
Quintessential Mad Pierrot
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Quintessential Zombie Spider-Man
Captain America '44
Quintessential Zombie Wolverine
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The Quintessential Leeroy Jenkins
Worst Clix Ever: Thor's Mighty Chariot
Pow! H.E.N.R.Y.
The Quintessential Joker
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Clix Beat: Cobra
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Pow! Turbo
Quintessential Iron Patriot
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Quintessential Flash
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Quintessential Taskmaster
Pow! Ghost Rider
Worst Clix Ever - Avengers Taskmaster
Pow! Felix Faust
Pow! Spider-Ham
The Quintessential Kung Fury
Pow! Superman (MOS 001)
TMNT HeroClix Spoilers
Pow! Wonder Woman (DC10 002)
Pow! Batman (AO 001)
HeroClix Dice Trays!
Awesome Clix: Scarlet Witch
Avengers 2 Movie Review
Whose Clix Is It Anyway?
Hiro Clix: Fifth Kazekage
Monday Memes!
Clix Craves: Teen Titans Go!
The Quintessential Silver Surfer
Fantastic Four Trailer
Dawn of Justice Looks Awful
Avengers Assemble Spoilers
The Quintessential Deadpool
Worst Clix Ever - World's Finest
Honest Trailers: Daredevil
Quintessential Daredevil
Hypersonic Reviews: Age of Ultron Movie Starter
TMNT HeroClix Spoilers
The Quintessential Jimmy Olsen
Hiro Clix: Sokka
Age of Ultron Movie HeroClix
Quintessential Arrow
X-Men Mutant Revolution
Avengers Acedemy HeroClix
Superman / Wonder Woman HeroClix
Hypersonic Reviews: The Irish
Awesome Clix: Tigra
Best of Teen Titans Go!
Awesome Clix: Bug
The Quintessential Superior Iron Man
Spock: Live Long and Prosper
Quintessential Batman Beyond
Quintessential Invisible Woman
Invisible Jet HeroClix
Convention Exclusives 2015
Awesome Clix: TK Masters
Nick Fury / SHIELD HeroClix Spoilers
Honest Trailers: Man of Steel
The Quintessential Punisher
Critical Miss: Sponsored Teams
Awesome Clix: Green Arrow
Man of Steel: How It Should Have Ended
Hiro Clix: Sailor Scouts
Awesome Clix: Taskmaster
The Quintessential V for Vendetta
Awesome Clix: Thor
ClixCraves: Buffy TVS
15 HeroClix Sets We Want
Marvel vs DC
Quintessential Sunfire
Slade Files: The Flash
Worst Clix Ever - Abomination
Future Batmen
Age of Ultron HeroClix
Spider-Man Symbiotes OP Spoilers
Quintessential Superior Spider-Man MK2
8-Bit Avengers
Hiro Clix: Attack on Titan
Quintessential Deathstroke
Worst Clix Ever - Iron Man Mk 15
Worst Clix Ever - Element Lad
Quintessential Ash Williams
HeroClix World Update!
Quintessential Freddy Krueger
The Flash Unboxing!
Quintessential Jason (Double Feature!)
Identify the Clix!
Monster Month!
Hiro Clix: Goku
GOTG HeroClix Giveaway #2
Quintessential Juggernaut
Guardians of the Galaxy HeroClix GIVE-AWAY
Clix In A Jar!
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Bystander Party! (Sin Eater)
Quintessential Judge Dredd
Worst Clix Ever - Hound
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JL Trinity War HeroClix Spoilers
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Quintessential Doomsday
Worst Clix Ever - Parasite
Bystander Party! (Colleen Wing)
Quintessential Dr. Doom
Worst Clix Ever - Hawkeye
ClixCraves: D&D
Bystander Party! (Val Cooper)
Quintessential Spawn
Clix Beat: Thanos (IC)
ClixCraves: TMNT
Quintessential Aquaman
Guardians of the Galaxy Movie Review
Hypersonic Reviews: GOTG Movie Starter
Quintessential Hulk
Top 5 DOFP HeroClix
Quintessential Batman
ClixCraves: G.I. Joe
Top 12 Spider-Man HeroClix
ClixCraves: Superman
ClixCraves: Captain America
Guardians of the Galaxy Starter Spoilers
Hypersonic Reviews: Deadpool
ClixCraves: Marvel Team-Up
Clix Addict #2
Batman vs The Terminator
Spider-Man, Iron Man, and Hulk, Oh My!
2014 Set Rotation
Review: X-Men DOFP
Whiners can be Losers
Godzilla Review
ClixCraves: Godzilla
Top 10 Wildcards
Review: The Amazing Spider-Man 2
The Flash HeroClix Spoilers
Captain America: Winter Soldier
Convention Exclusives 2014
FCBD 2014
NECA / Hastings Merger
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Black Manta Origin
Legion of Doom
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Clix Beat: Green Arrow
War of Light HeroClix Spoilers
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12 Days of Clixmas (2013)
Super Cafe
Learn to Sculpt like a Master
Thor: The Dark World (Movie Review)
3D Battle Board!
Mandarin Rings HeroClix
HeroClix Watchlist
Deadpool HeroClix
Superman / LOSH
Captain America Winter Soldier HeroClix
X-Men Days of Future Past
Batman Arkham Origins
5 Fixes for Spiral
We Need To Talk About Spiral
Superformula Against Cancer
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Avengers vs X-Men HeroClix
Terrain Maps!
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Zombie T-Shirt Give-Away!
Clix Bits!
Superman Quick-Start
The Wolverine Review
Top 10 Worst Mutant Names
Excalibur (X-Men)
Invincible Iron Man HeroClix
Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends
X-Men: The New Mutants
X-Men: Gold Strike Force
Man of Steel Review
Batman Classic HeroClix
X-Men: Blue Strike Force
Blind Bag Review
Mighty Maps Returns!
I Run For Life
Top 5 Modern Age Supermans
Top 10 Iron Man Covers
HeroClix World Evolution
Iron Man 3 Review
FCBD Iron Man (2013)
Fellowship of the Rings HeroClix
2013 PAC changes
Justice Leage Team Base (Teen Titans)
Convention Exclusives 2013
Beast Boy (Teen Titans)
Top 5 Modern Age Hulks
Fear Itself (GAMA)
Star Trek: Attack Wing
Gen13 (Teen Titans)
Yu-Gi-Oh! HeroClix
Slade Files: Moon Knight
Clix Beat: Zuvembie
Trigon Dial (Teen Titans)
Slade Files: Dracula
Villains For Hire (Teen Titans)
Slade Files: Spider-Man
Mage Knight HeroClix
Nightmare Before Christmas HeroClix
Pacific Rim HeroClix
Lone Ranger HeroClix
Hello Kitty HeroClix Spoilers
Kick Ass 2 HeroClix
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Man of Steel HeroClix
Slade Files: John Constantine
Bioshock Infinite HeroClix Spoilers
Top 10 Amazing Spider-Man Covers
Top 10 Aquarium HeroClix
Wizkids' 12 Days of Clixmas (2012)
Star Trek HeroClix Tactics II Starter Set
Batman Streets of Gotham Team Packs
Batman OP Kit Spoilers
Batman HeroClix GF Spoilers
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Batman Gotham City Spoilers
Wolverine and the X-Men HeroClix
Shattered Star (Pathfinder)
Amazing Spider-Man HeroClix
Iron Man 3 HeroClix Spoilers
Seasonal Figures Spoilers
Teen Titans HeroClix Spoilers
Star Trek HeroClix Tactics II
10 Best Movie Hero Costumes
Talk Like a Pirate Day
10 Anniversary HeroClix Chase Figures!
The Dark Knight Fails to Rise
GenCon 2012
HeroClix Vehicles Rules
Batman HeroClix Vehicles
Joe Kubert, RIP 08-12-2012
Gen Con: I wish I Was Going
LOTR / Hobbit HeroClix
Batman: Streets of Gotham
HeroClix ID Rings!
Review: The Dark Knight Rises
Super Golden Friends
Review: Amazing Spider-Man
Mage Knight Online
Review: Spider-Man
Review: Spider-Man 2
Review: Spider-Man 3
DC Batman HeroClix Spoilers
Assassin's Creed HeroClix Spoilers
Batman: No Man's Land HeroClix
Comic-Con Combo Pack HeroClix
Chaos War: Hank Pym
What the...?
DC HeroClix 10th Anniversary Spoilers
MARVEL HeroClix 10th Anniversary Spoilers
Review: The Avengers
HeroClix Podcast: Starting Over
Free Comic Book Day Thor 2012
2012 Convention Exclusives!
Wizkid Interactive's Starship Hero
Clix Beat: Kantus
Justice League HeroClix Spoilers
Chaos War HeroClix Spoilers
Clix Beat: Quasar
The Daly Superhero
Slade Files: Drax
Clix Beat: Dr. Strange
Slade Files: Super Skrull
Figure of the Week
Clix Beat: Skrull Assassin
Review: Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
Clix Beat: Nick Fury
Slade Files: Black Widow
Clix Beat: S.H.I.E.L.D. Enforcer
Galactic Guardians Fast Forces Spoilers
Team Ability Changes (2012)
Slade Files: DR. DOOM
Tik Tok Star Trek
Star Trek HeroClix: Away Team Spoilers
Marvel Uncanny X-Men FF HeroClix Spoilers
DC War of the Light FF
Galactic Guardians Gravity Feed Spoilers
Dark Knight Rises HeroClix Spoilers
Top 20 in 2012
Doom Week!
HeroClix Supremacy League
Avengers Movie HeroClix Spoilers
Wizkid's 12 days of Clixmas (2011)
Critical Clix: Star Trek Tactics
Hulk Fast Forces Spoilers
Of Dice and Plastic Men: Gandalf and Superman, Rep
Superman Fast Forces Spoilers
Top 5 Hero vs Hero Smackdowns!
Top 5 Zombie Movies
Marvel Galactic Guardians HeroClix Spoilers
Star Trek Tactics HeroClix Spoilers
Of Dice and Plastic Men: The Super-est of Sets
Infinity Gauntlet Spoilers
World's Finest
Superman Special Objects
Fall of HeroClix World 2011
Superman HeroClix Checklist
Review: Thor
Take 'Em Down: Nightcrawler
DC New 52 Poster
Adventure Week!
Of Dice and Plastic Men:Nightcrawler User's Guide
Mighty Maps 5: DOOM VILLAGE!
Karl Confidential: A Wizkids Moment
Top 5 Gears of War Weapons
How to Build a Successful Venue
Of Dice and Plastic Men: Sweet Release
Masterpiece HeroClix
Top 5 Street Fighters
HeroClix World Twitter
Review: Captain America
owlman166's Top 5 DC Wants
Miniature Market: Summer Sizzler
Of Dice and Plastic Men: X Marks the Spot
Captain America Maps
Dr Katz
Take 'Em Down: Spider-Man
Incredible Hulk HeroClix Spoilers
Clix Addict #1
X-Men: Born This Way
Top 5 HeroClix Accessories
Hammer of Thor: Fast Forces
Green Lantern Movie Reviews
Top 5 Superhero Movies
Star Trek: Fleet Captains
Halo HeroClix Spoilers
Top 6 Standard HeroClix Powers
Review: The Doctor's Wife
Watchmen Fast Forces Spoilers
Top 5 Worst Modern Age Sculpts
Blade Runner: A Review Of Sorts
Wizkids Pathfinder!
Top 5 Spider-Man Clix
Green Lantern 2009
5 Worst Modern Age Clix
GsX Toys R Us Exclusive
Top 5 GsX Traits
Miniature Market Super Give-Away!
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Critical Clix: 2011 Rules
Bin Laden: Dead
Gears of War HeroClix Spoilers
arrowTop 5 Movie-Clix
2011 HeroClix Convention Exclusives!
Critical Clix: PAC Powers
Sucker Punch Analysis
DCU vs Braniac
Top 5 Marvel Tech
Green Lantern HeroClix Spoilers
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HeroClix 2011 Rules Changes
Spring of HeroClix World
Sucker Punch Review
Dark Knight 1960s
The Borders Effect
Juggernaut Helmet Token
Slade Files: Magneto (GsX)
Happy Pi Day!
Giant Size X-Men Maps!
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Maze of Madness
Fixing Superman
HeroClix Online Spoilers
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Smurfs Spoilers
Captain America Spoilers
Toy Fair 2011
Might Maps #4
Giant Size X-Men Poster Images
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LOTR HeroClix Spoilers
MM Extravaganza
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Adventurer's Atlas
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HeroClix and More
DreamClix: Zombie Apocalypse
Web Tokens!
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ClixCraves Vol 02
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5 Awesome Justice League Fights
Slade Files: Spider-Man (Black)
Economy, Trolls, & HeroClixs
5 Awesome Spider-Man Fights
Web of Spider-Man Map
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Batman and Kato
Rev: Ultimate Cap
Seven Little Superheroes
Slade Files: Superman
Slade Files: Spider-Man
Incredible Hulk 1977
Faces of Eddie
Slade Files: Ultron
Iron Maiden HeroClix Spoilers
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Watchmen Day 3
Watchmen Day 2
Watchmen Day 1
ClixCraves Vol 01
DreamClix: The Transformers
Batman Beyond: ROTJ
10 Battle Packs (We Want)
A Firestar is Born
Jonah Hex Review
DC Brightest Day Spoilers
Batman: Dead End
Star Trek: Expeditions
Batman on My Baby
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Vegas Odds: B/C/F
Slade Files: Venom
Critical Miss: Injustice League
Pryde of the X-Men
DreamClix: Star Trek
Spider-Man 1977
Accessories: Capital City
FCBD: War Machine
Critical Miss: Giants
Brave and the Bold Prizes
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HeroClix Batmobile
Web of Spider-Man Spoilers
Wizkids in 2010
Brave & The Bold INFO & SPOILERS
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10 Minutes with Hair10
The Watchmen Info & Spoilers
DC Starter (Blackest Night) Info
HeroClix World Baby!
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PaC: Smokey Cap
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HeroClix World Giveaway
Confessions of a Wizkids Sculpter
Critical Miss: Print and Play
John Byrne Interview
HoT: Mjolnir & Ragnarok
PaC: Red Arrow
22 HeroClix box sets (we want)
Hammer of Thor images!
BroMag Interview
Ben Misenar Interview
Top 10 Signs You're Obsessed with HeroClix
Seth J. Interview (III)
Seth J. Interview (II)
Seth J. Interview (I)
AlphaClix: New Beginning
PaC: Spidey (si)
nbperp Interview (II)
nbperp Interview (I)
Rev: Thor's Chariot
PaC: Robin (aa)
Exclusive: Thor's Mighty Chariot Pictures
Rev: Crisis Nightwing
Top 5 Overrated Clix
HeroClix: For Profit
Black History Month
Fixing HeroClix

Top 5 Movie-Clix
The Le (04/26/2011)
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Goto Comments

Top 5 Movie Clix (HeroClix)For better or worse, the HeroClix fan base seems to be very excited for the Lord of the Rings (LOTR) HeroClix. Easily the most radical departure from the standard superhero / comic-based HeroClix game, LOTR has been greeting with enthusiasm by the masses.

With that in mind, what other movie properties should be made into fully compatible HeroClix? Let's take a look at our top 5 choices.

Note: We are aware that LOTR started out as a series of novels, but let's be honest -- the successful movie franchise is the only reason we're seeing this property in HeroClix form.

#5 Serenity
Serenity LogoWe'll admit it right now: We think Firefly was overrated. It was an interesting concept, but what the heck was it? A tv opera? A scifi? A western? A comedy? A drama? It was actually all of the above, and so it only appealed to the rabid fanboys who still tout it as one of the coolest shows... like... ever. (It wasn't).

Fanboys like to blame the Fox for cancelling their show (and showing them out of order), but they often forget that only a crazy network like Fox is insane enough to give the show a chance at all. It wasn't Fox that killed the show, it was the unfocused premise of the show that caused its demise.

That being said, there were some very cool characters and settings from this show, and especially the Serenity movie. All the main characters had their quirks, but they could also translate very well in HeroClix form as gunslingers. While not overly powerful, it would offer a very interesting cast of characters to the Clix universe -- we would be particularly psyched to see Chiwetel Ejiofor's bounty-hunter character (the Operative) in HeroClix form.

And let's not forget the REAVERS, who are essentially the zombies of the Firefly universe. Good stuff.

Firefly may be long gone (thank goodness), but we think Serenity would be very cool in HeroClix form.

Edit: For the record, I have seen a couple episodes of Firefly, and I stand by my statements.

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Your Comments:
"It was actually all of the above, and so it only appealed to the rabid fanboys who still tout it as one of the coolest shows... like... ever. (It wasn't)."

It was.

"For the record, I have seen a couple episodes of Firefly, and I stand by my statements."

Watch some more. And watch Serenity.

Posted by: You'll never know... on 7/17/2014 10:07:20 AM
Other movies/TV shows that could be HeroClix material:

1) The Six Million Dollar Man/Bionic Woman
2) The Green Hornet
3) Sucker Punch
4) The Crow
5) Equilibrium
6) Kill Bill
7) Kick-Ass
8) V for Vendetta (just need 1 figure here)
9) Mad Max/The Road Warrior
10) The Matrix series
11) The Bourne series
12) Dr. Who
13) Farscape
14) Battlestar Galactica
15) The Terminator series
16) Greatest American Hero
17) Futurama
18) The Thunderbirds
19) The Avengers (tv series)
20) Buffy The Vampire Slayer
21) Andromeda
22) Flash Gordon
23) Hercules/Xena
24) Babylon 5
25) Aeon Flux
26) Full Metal Alchemist
28) Cyborg 009
29) Men In Black series
30) The Incredibles

Well that's all I can think of now!

Posted by: First Lensman on 5/10/2011 12:16:01 PM
ok right most of the heroclix there are all games. nuff said

Posted by: ikari on 5/9/2011 9:41:27 AM
Some of these ideas will never be heroclix because they are just ordinary figures with no powers or special abilities...
With that said, Starship Troopers was a pretty good movie but if the game were based on Robert Heinlein's book it would be amazing. In the book, there was the great idea of Troopers leaping into battle with fantastic armour and weapons.
Am I the only one who was upset that Disneyclix was an April Fools Joke??? I was really looking forward to a Darkwing Duck figure..

Posted by: David Hawk on 5/9/2011 7:26:26 AM
Blade Runner is one of the best movie I've ever seen, for the interest in it is in the story and the "stories" lyning under the surface (what makes a human being a human ? does a synthetic being could be more human in its reactions and behaviour than a real human ? etc)
And for Starship Troopers, it's a cool movie, but definitly not one the best sci-fi movie ever made. The novel is far better, and the real feeling isn't in the movie.

And Fifth Element is like a comics made in a movie: bright, vivid colours, a simple story that everyone can understand, cool characters, some humour. And there's a real background under the coolness; try finding the novelization, there's a lot of little things added (don't know if the book was made in english language, but it was made in french - the director of the movie is french)

Posted by: Gyom on 5/5/2011 1:17:45 PM
Have to join in the theme you really ought to actually sit down and watch some firefly from the beginning. I'd never seen it other than a quick flipping through the channels when it originally aired. Several years later the dvd set got sent to me in a care package while in Iraq. Easily the best fantasy/sci fi series I've ever seen, and along with Arrested Development and Band of Brothers the best television projects I've ever seen.
Starship Troopers?! Really??! Not sure if you are a lot younger than me, but the only way I'd have thought that movie was great in any way was if I was a 4th grade boy who viewed it through purely adolescent fantasy filtered eyes. Strictly B movie effort, with a few decent cgi and fx moments.
I'd like to see Alien/Aliens clix-Ash, Ripley (and in the loader), alien and face hugger,space marines. Cool possibilities. My more obscure pick would be the Warriors. How cool would it be to represent the different gangs?! RIF!

Posted by: aqhoffman on 5/3/2011 6:02:42 PM

GREAT SCIENCE Sci-Fi... sure, it was not a swashbuckling derring-do, but it was loaded with cheeky puns that were so subtly infused throughout. I saw it ONCE, and it this impression on me. Think about it.

GATTACA is purposefully capitalized. Why? Guanine-Adnine-Thymine-Thymine-Adnine-Cytosine-Adnine. Who's base pair sequence is this?

The "Created" brother, Eugene: EU- Greek "Good"; Gene. "Good Gene(s)"? Eugenics?

Posted by: MEsch on 4/28/2011 7:32:23 AM
@ thearthandyman=
"Oh and MEsch, I made a Jack Skellington Heroclix using a Joker (from the Icons Starter) and a ball of fimo clay for his head. I made it for the wife along with Stitch and, wait for it....The Little Mermaid. See, I made one and the wife wanted other DisneyClix. See the danger?"

Are you registered @ You should be... we crave plasti-crack porn, er images of these beautiful creations... We even have a cabal for you: "Frankenstiens".

Posted by: MEsch on 4/28/2011 7:16:56 AM
To much Sci-fi on the list for my taste Le. I will agree with Nightmare and Blade Runner though...I nominate "Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World". It was a comic based off of gamer culture that was made into a movie then into a game that could be made into a wicked awesome heroclix set!

Posted by: Albert on 4/28/2011 5:16:34 AM
@Calm down? Browncoats don't calm down. We aim to misbehave. I've been asked to write a movie review of Blade Runner. I'll state my case there.

Posted by: Johnwhite on 4/28/2011 5:14:28 AM
Wow, really? You guys need to calm down. So the guy doesn't like Firefly or Blade Runner it's really not that big of a deal. He has he personal taste you and have yours let it be.

Posted by: Javasquirrel on 4/28/2011 3:27:49 AM
FIrefly was a lame combination of a bunch of other sci-fi movies, I've seen tons of more original shows. And Starship troopers is an amazing satirical movie.

Posted by: /./ on 4/27/2011 11:56:23 AM
Try the Director's cut on Blade Runner,
it will drastically alter your negative
view of the film...if you've got any taste
and/or attention span that is!

Agreed that the studio tampered, theatrical cut is garbage.

Fun read though!

Posted by: vonvingelimer on 4/27/2011 11:16:32 AM
"I've seen things YOU people wouldn't believe..." Blade Runner never gets old ever. the book "do androids dream about electric sheep" was done justice by that movie. they are both extrememly philosophically relevant. Now Fifth Element? Lets be honest...Dallas needs to be a clix. However, he should be in the Bruce Willis Set. Imagine the fun. Die Hard Willis vs. Ghost I see dead people Willis. They could all morph into each other like Beast Boy!

Posted by: werker on 4/27/2011 10:32:07 AM
RE: Gatta-Clix. I think they could work. We could have Ethan Hawke/Jerome (shape change, naturally). Jude Law/"Eugene", lets anyone adjacent re-roll Shape Change once. Detective Anton, Outwit except against anyone with a higher speed value or the Dolphin sybol. Even an LE Hawke/Vincent with a Dolphin symbol and a Special Object: Borrowed Urine Sample. Counts as Water terrain, otherwise just a yellow object.
That could work. Would it be any worse than Jonah Hex?

Posted by: Dairoka on 4/27/2011 9:46:11 AM
man if any movie is "overrated" it would be fifth element. at least Blade Runner was innovative, fifth element is just run lola run remake with a bigger budget, and bruce willis.

Posted by: supremepontiff on 4/27/2011 7:48:18 AM
@Dairoka: My opinions have nothing to do with movie "action". I can live with slow movies, really.

Gattica is a Sci-Fi film with hardly any "action" at all, and is easily in my top 10 -- but Gattica wouldn't look very good in HeroClix form!

Posted by: The Le on 4/27/2011 7:18:49 AM
@LE. I would strongly recommend that you watch Firefly in its entirety, in order. I still maintain that it is the best TV show I have ever seen. While this may be attributed to my love of banter, the dialogue IS spectacular and every episode progresses the overall plot and provides solid character development. Try it. It's good for you.
Oh, and Blade Runner is a Sci-Fi movie, not an action film: One man's "slow and dull" can be another's "pace and style". And the Ford narration is completely essential to comprehend what's going on. If you thought the film was slow, try watching the non-narrated Director's Cut. It's painful.
So, why not suggest some characters from sources that you actually enjoy watching?
Sincerely, random Fanboy.

Posted by: Dairoka on 4/27/2011 7:12:56 AM
Wow! Way to piss off the masses. You've really done it now. "Starship Troopers is easily one of the best scifi/action movies ever made." Really? Really? I'm gonna disagree with you on that one. I won't even begin to describe the feelings I get everytime that movie is even hinted at. Let's just say....nope, not gonna start. As for your other choices, Bladerunner was boring and therefore, Bladerunner clix would be just as boring. I never watched Firefly but I liked Serenity (and Whedon) and I would only want a River clix. 5th Element is one of my fave movies, but clix of the characters would be lame. That brings us to The Nightmare Before Christmas. Clix of these characters would just usher in the dawn of DisneyClix, and who wants that? Oh and MEsch, I made a Jack Skellington Heroclix using a Joker (from the Icons Starter) and a ball of fimo clay for his head. I made it for the wife along with Stitch and, wait for it....The Little Mermaid. See, I made one and the wife wanted other DisneyClix. See the danger? So, "No" to all your suggestions. I know this is your site, but some ideas are better kept to yourself. STARSHIP TROOPERS SUCKED! There I said it. Sorry. As always, I like your site even though I get looked down on everytime I say I come to you over going to HCRealms. Live long and think twice before voicing opinions (you'll find you won't have a problem "living long").

Posted by: thearthandyman on 4/27/2011 7:02:21 AM
calm down buddy

Posted by: /// on 4/26/2011 11:11:16 PM
You rated Starship Troopers over Firefly and Blade Runner?
Are you Effing kidding me?
"in our eyes, Blade Runner is easily the absolute most overrated science fiction film ever made."

Blade Runner defined The film Noir of science fiction. It is the benchmark of all modern dystopian films. It echoes the pulp fiction of the late 40's and 50's. The only question is whether it is better with narration or without. (With)
“Blade Runner” was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant.” The film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry in 1993 and is frequently taught in university courses. In 2007, it was named the 2nd most visually influential film of all time by the Visual Effects Society.

Starship troopers is such a butch job of Robert A. Heinlein's original book, it barely passes as close to it.
"A report in an American Cinematographer article states that the Heinlein novel was optioned well into the pre-production period of the film, which had a working title of Bug Hunt at Outpost Nine; most of the writing team reportedly were unaware of the novel at the time. According to the DVD commentary, Paul Verhoeven never finished reading the novel, claiming he read through the first few chapters and became both "bored and depressed."

Its a great action flick, and fun social commentary -but it is in no way the Classics that Firefly and Blade Runner are.

Dude I had just a little respect for you before, but now none.

Posted by: JohnWhite on 4/26/2011 8:26:12 PM
Dude you seriously showed that you either never watch Firefly, or are absolutely have no idea what the hell your talking about. Unfocused? The show had a brilliant focus for a show that had one season. The story was about River and what the hell happened to her. That was wrapped up in Serenity. It is ridiculous to believe that Whedon had any idea he was going to be canceled and needed to have it all up in a bow in 14 episodes. the Reason the show was canceled was because Fox aired it out of order and and moved it about.
Serenity is bay far, the best and most original Sci-fi show of the last 20 years. It was a show set in space that had no aliens. It was all human drama. Stick to discussing what your good at clix, and leave the Tv/Film reviews to people that know what they're talking about.
Surrender your Geek card - Fail.

Posted by: John White on 4/26/2011 8:11:51 PM
as far as serenity/firelfy, it wasn't just airing the shows out of order but fox also switched affiliates and time slots within the first few episodes which led to the demise the show. I think the show's popularity is evident with the fact that a full length (yet rushed) feature film was made AFTER the show was cancelled. Don't listen to browncoat1979, TheLe. Keep writing reviews. I get to keep reading since yours is one of the only sites I can get to from behind my firewall at work. stay fab.

Posted by: robes on 4/26/2011 6:25:23 PM
Lord of the Rings (LOTR) HeroClix had a positive review!!!???
That really shock me...

Posted by: Kalibak on 4/26/2011 6:15:43 PM
...but, but... Vampires, Santa Claus, the creepy scientists with exposed brain already exist... as Horrorclix... (Yes, HrC Santa is indeed a bad@ss.)

As for Oogie Boogy the flying dog, and Jack Skellington, modders, anyone?

Posted by: MEsch on 4/26/2011 6:01:08 PM
I have 2 comments to make about this serenity clix write up, First of all i completely agree with the fact that the concept and characters would make some great clix. Secondly, how flippin brain dead do u have to be to bash firefly i am utterly offended at your stupidity and lack of taste. firefly was the greatest show ive seen in the last 20 years. i understand that opinions are like A-holes, everyone has one and most of the time they smell like s**t, so heres mine. anyone with taste like yours shouldnt allowed to write reviews like this. So to conclude screw you and what you think!

Posted by: browncoat1979 on 4/26/2011 4:40:05 PM
5th Element? A little late for April Fools isn't it...

Posted by: Boggy on 4/26/2011 2:34:28 PM