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As a former X-book reader, I have a warm place in my heart for mutant books. Cyclops is clearly one of greatest (probably best) mutants out there.
That being said, I've always been bothered by some of the really terrible names given to mutants.
I asked the folks at the NE OHIO HeroClix group to help identify the 10 worst mutant names. They didn't disappoint.
#10 X-Man
From Christopher Caffarel: "X-Man. Seriously? Very creative."
#9 Skin
Seriously, it's like calling someone "Hair" or "Toe".
#8 Paste Pot Pete
Chosen by Nelson Neo, who mistakenly wrote "Pasta Pot Pete". Ironically, "Pasta Pot Pete" would have been a much better name.
#7 Magneto
Think about it. It should be pronounced Mag-net-O... but it's not. The name is really Sadneto.
Seriously - that's a donut shop.
#5 Marvel Girl
From Jesse Vining: "Marvel Girl is pretty terrible."
#4 Energizer
'Nuff said
#3 Strong Guy
Chosen by Jim Bias
#2 Toad
Chosen by Sean McIntyre
#1 Unus the Untouchable
Yeah, that's kind of a no brainer. Chosen by Neil Nelan, he's literally 1 letter away from being a bad joke. Whomever chose this name was clearly a school bully, because Anus Unus the Untouchable is just a terrible name.
Can you think of a terrible mutant name that we've missed?