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This Thor was the Free Comic Book Day figure of 2012, and he's still pretty awesome today. Seriously, just look at this beastly dial..
Continued below...

I'll keep it short -- he's awesome for Flight, Charge, Running Shot, and a whole dial of damage reduction; he starts with some Impervious then drops down to Invincible with just one click of [16] defense.
Need more? He's got move-and-attack on every click, starting with Charge, then Running Shot, then Hypersonic Speed. As if that wasn't enough -- yes, that's Energy Explosion and Pulse Wave on the dial... and Indomitable!
Right: Discounted HeroClix Singles!
And he was FREE! Wow! Oh, did we mention he has the Avengers Intiative ability?
Characters using the Avengers Initiative team ability treat hindering
terrain as clear terrain for movement and line of fire purposes.
So here's your chance to win a free HeroClix for talk-back-tuesday -- just answer this question: Would you use this Thor at 250 points, 150 points, or not at all -- and tell is why!