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"Not your Father’s Superman"
Review by Eric Schaen
The latest superhero summer-blockbuster, Man of Steel, is a re-imagining of the classic Superman mythos. As with any re-conceptualization, Man of Steel is chock-full of moments intended to make Superman feel more contemporary for today’s audiences. That being said, it could have benefited by preserving at least some of the wit and optimism of the original 1978 film; Man of Steel is one wildly entertaining adaptation.
Unless you've been living a life devoid of all human contact, you probably know the story -- A doomed planet about to explode, a father who sends his infant son rocketing among the stars to a distant planet, an alien child raised by salt-of-the-Earth parents... and grows up under a yellow sun to become the world’s greatest hero.
But here’s the thing, Man of Steel doesn’t feel like a simple do-again of the same old, same old. In fact, it feels mostly original with just a trace of the familiar.
Like the classic Superman fable, the legend begins with the planet Krypton on its last legs. But, this time we're treated to a more substantial view of Krypton than we had previously. With more Krypton comes more backstory on the planet's impending doom, more insight into the relationships between Superman’s birthparents Jor-El (Russell Crow) and Lara (Ayelet Zurer), and of course the film's vile villain General Zod (Boardwalk Empire’s, Michael Shannon).
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