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This week we celebrate the 100th birthday of Joe Shuster, the co-creator of Superman. To celebrate Joe's greatest creation, we present to you the quintessential 300-point Superman dial, created by HeroClix master Eric Schaen.
ClixCraves is a series of articles discussing HeroClix figures we want to see in the future. Our selection criteria can be new never-before-seen figures, or it could be a request for remakes of old figures.
Fun Fact: In the first appearance of Superman (Action Comics #1), Superman can't fly! That's why they always say he can "leap tall buildings in a single bound".

The quintessential Superman comes with Charge, Hypersonic Speed, Force Blast, Super Strength, Penetrating/Psychic Blast, Impervious, Invulnerability, Toughness, Close Combat Expert, Defend, Leadership, and more!