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Our last Sailor Scout for today is an often over looked character, Sailor Saturn! She wields a large scythe-like staff, much like the deity, Saturn, holds a sickle or scythe. She has been notable for providing defensive barriers and shields for the Sailors which is ironic considering she is there youngest member at the age of 13.
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Swinging her staff around, Sailor Saturn has Flurry in her beginning and end game with a fair portion of Exploit Weakness. Throughout her whole dial she provides the team with strong defenses via the use of Defend. Finally she finishes off with an exceptionally interesting use of Pulse Wave that results in her own sacrifice. Let’s not forget her being an exceptional Sailor that has Indomitable!
Playing with Sailor Saturn: Sailor Saturn is best used to support close combat allies as she has a fine array of attacks with Flurry plus Exploit Weakness. This would opt her into using Defend which can be extremely important on a Sailor Scouts team due to their often low defense. Just be sure that if she takes a couple of hard hits, keep friendly characters away from her so she can ignite her ultimate Pulse Wave.
Playing against Sailor Saturn: Sailor Saturn is a support tent pole, if there is such a thing, and thus should not be taken lightly. She has a fairly strong defense but not too hard for a high attack character to get a strong Blades/Claws/Fang roll. This would skip most of her dial making a waste of her 76 points.
That is it for Part 2 of the Sailor Scouts special! Don't forget to visit Need Anime Heroclix on Facebook to show your support. Post dials of your favorite anime characters and discuss what you’d like to see Wizkids make! How would you mix the Sailor Scouts into your Marvel/DC teams? Entities or Power Batteries anyone?
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