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• Goto Comments
When "HeroClix 2.0" came out, this was clearly one of the most exciting dials -- and it still is. Sure he's pricey at 199 points, but he's worth every penny. Just starting out he has a whopping 10 range with three clicks of Mind Control, Invulnerability, Outwit and the chance to deal 6 damage with that special power. If there's anything that prevents him from being ranked higher on this list it's his relatively low starting attack value!
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The first 3 clicks is pretty critical -- with Outwit, dealing 4 damage is no joke (6 if you call the special power right). And right in the middle he's got some super Outwit that will ruin anyone's day.
The real beauty of this joker, though, is his Embiggen ability to make him Giant Size. We actually wanted to rank this character higher (possibly #1), but Wizkids made some major rules changes over the years -- and Embiggen is no longer optional as it once was. That one change costs him quite a few ranks.
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