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X-Men Days of Future Past HeroClix Spoilers...
The Marvel HeroClix: X-men Days of Future Past set will be available on April 23rd as reported by ICV2 (one month before the May release date of the movie of the same name).
This set comes in two SKUs, a Gravity Feed ($2.99 for single booster) and a Sentinel pack.
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The Sentinel Pack includes a Sentinel figure with a new metallic paint job, 2 dials (one offense, once defense), 48 horde tokens, and 2 maps. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like WK is reusing the Sentinel sculpt from the giant-Size-Xmen HeroClix set. According to ICV2, "The figures will retail individually for $29.00 and come six to a case".
From wikipedia:
"The storyline alternates between present day, in which the X-Men fight Mystique's Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, and a future timeline caused by the X-Men's failure to prevent the Brotherhood from assassinating Senator Robert Kelly. In this future universe, Sentinels rule the United States, and mutants live in internment camps. The present-day X-Men are forewarned of the possible future by a future version of their teammate Kitty Pryde, whose mind traveled back in time and possessed her younger self to warn the X-Men. She succeeds in her mission and returns to the future, but despite her success, the future timeline still exists as an alternative timeline rather than as the actual future."
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