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Related: HeroClix Convention Exclusives 2012
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04-26-2013 Another amazing Convention exclusive -- Old Man Logan rocks our world with 2 traits, 3 special powers, Perplex, Impervious, Blades/Claws/Fangs, and the new Invincible standard power!

Old Man Logan Plot (wikipedia): At the onset of the story, the entire United States has been overtaken and divided amongst supervillains, with territories belonging to The Abomination (later conquered by the Hulk), Magneto (later conquered by a new Kingpin), Dr. Doom and the Red Skull, who has named himself President. Heroes have been wiped out of existence, with the few survivors in hiding and scattered throughout the country. Logan lives with his wife Maureen and young children Scotty and Jade on a barren plot of land in Sacramento, California, now part of the territory known as "Hulkland." Logan needs money to pay rent to the landlords of this territory: the hillbilly grandchildren of the Hulk, who are products of years of incestuous procreation originating with Banner and his first cousin She-Hulk. In order to pay the rent, Logan accepts a job from a now-blind Hawkeye: help him navigate east across the country, to the capital of New Babylon, and deliver a secret, illegal package which Logan initially assumes to be drugs.
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