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Playing Dracula
If you win map choice, be sure to pick a map with plenty of hindering terrain. Dracula can be every bit as deadly as his namesake, now if he’s getting shot up by ranged attacks, he’s going to drop quickly. Using his Stealth while position is an absolute must (I like to think of it as him staying out of the sunlight).
With Indomitable, Flight, Charge and Exploit Weakness at your disposal Dracula can easily damage the most Impervious of foes, and gain a clix of life in the process. Backing him up with some form of Probability Control is never a bad idea.
One successful attack will see Dracula gain Impervious giving him the ability to possibly reduce damage dealt to 0, and he’ll trade Exploit Weakness for Super Strength. Position Dracula and when the opportunity is right, go for the attack. Just try not to leave hindering terrain whenever possible. Don’t forget to add a mesmerize token to any characters you damage. This will give you the option to use Mind Control on those characters and is great for getting an Indomitable foe out of your face.
If you manage to keep stealing energy, powers like Probability control and Hypersonic Speed will soon be yours. Now it’s a whole different ball-game.
More HeroClix World Recommended feats: Haymaker, Protected, Shellhead
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