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• Goto Comments
Related: 2010 HeroClix Batmobile
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10-22-2012: Batgirl is looking good. We absolitely love that sculpt.. and three clicks of Perplex? YES PLEASE!

10-1-2012: Its the Red robin!

09-17-2012: It's Red Guardsman! Oh, and he's Socialist, whatever that means. Anywho, we're quite fond of his Trait since it enhances Energy Explosion and Pulse Wave, but we're also very fond of the Invulnerability and Toughness! All for 78 points!

07-17-2012: Alright! Even more images from the BATMAN Heroclix set! Some great images coming from the GameTradeMagazine website, so make sure you check them out. Gosh, I'm not even sure who most of these characters are... except maybe Batgirl...
And here's an interesting tidbit from the GTM website:
An all-new element in HeroClix, vehicles will accelerate your battles to the next level! Your heroes (and villains!) now have access to an unprecedented array of offensive and defensive capabilities on the battlefield; each and every vehicle in DC HeroClix: Batman possesses both Unpiloted and Piloted abilities (with additional character-specific bonuses as well!). This means even when Batman isn’t behind the wheel of the Batmobile, the Dark Knight can still use his famous ride to intimidate the opposition!

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